Friday, June 29, 2012

Book Blog Tour: Solstice by Donna Burgess [Promo + Character Interview]

Hello my awesome readers! Today is my stop on Solstice book blog tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours. I am so pleased to share with everyone today a fun promo piece and a Character Interview. Donna Burgess is the author of Solstice as well as many other great novels - found here. I hope everyone will enjoy reading more about the book and the author. Thank you and Happy Reading!

Solstice: A Novel of the Zombie Apocalypse
by Donna Burgess

On the eve of winter Solstice, a massive flash envelopes the Earth and then there is nothing. The sun no longer shines and civilization is plunged into unending darkness. Those exposed to the mysterious flash have changed—they have become bloodthirsty, cunning, and determined to devour anyone who is not infected. They are Ragers.

In Sweden, a group of uneasy travelers hears a broken broadcast. There is hope. Something called Sanctuary waits, but it is thousands of miles away, somewhere on the shores of the British Isles.

Meanwhile, in a London supermarket, a high school English teacher from the States finds himself stranded along with a handful of students on a senior trip. Outside, hoards of hungry Ragers await, ready to tear them limb from limb. Their only hope is to find Sanctuary.

Solstice is a tale of hope, terror, survival, and finding love at the end of the World.

I’m Donna Burgess and I want to welcome Melanie from my new novel Solstice. We’re going to
learn a little bit about survival in a post-apocalyptic world.

DB: Hi, Melanie. Tell me a little about yourself.

M: Before the world ended, I was a university student, majoring in Psychology. My parents died
in an accident when I was seventeen years-old and I ended up living with my father’s best friend
and his family.

DB: How did that work out?

M: It was rocky to say the least. Tomas, my father’s friend was (and is) wonderful. I’ve always
loved Tomas. His wife, on the other hand, was a queen bitch.

DB: Discuss your situation in Solstice for the readers. What is the post-apocalyptic world of the
novel like?

M: Dark! Imagine living in a world without sunlight. It’s terrible to never feel the sun on your
face. Even worse are Ragers, who make life incredibly difficult.

DB: Ragers?

M: If you’ve seen zombies, you have a pretty good idea of what a Rager is. Except Ragers have
retained some degree of consciousness. They can talk. They remember where home is. They’re
fairly cunning. And they’re quick!

DB: How has trying to survive the end of the world changed you?

M: Obviously, a girl as to change her priorities. Things like electricity and warmth are luxuries.
Staying alive is all that matters. I’ve learned to use a gun—something I would have never
imagined. I’ve seen some terrible, terrible things, but I’ve gotten through them. I’m a much
stronger person than I realized.

DB: Is there any more to your story?

M: Maybe. I guess it depends on the readers and if they want to see more or Melanie and Tomas
and the Ragers.

Find Donna @ Website | Facebook Twitter
BUY Solstice @ Amazon | B&N 
Donna Burgess lives with her husband, daughter, son, many cats and one goofy Golden Retriever in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. When she is not writing, she can be found on her longboard, behind a good book or on the soccer field. She is the president of E­Volve Books. She holds a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Journalism and is currently pursuing her M.F.A. in Creative Writing.

Well, I don't know about you guys but this book sounds amazing! I so added it to my TBR pile. :) I hope you all enjoyed learning more about Donna Burgess and her newest novel, Solstice.


  1. Solstice sounds really interesting now! I haven't read a post apocalyptic novel in a while now, and I can't believe I passed this book up when I got the emails! I've been trying to hold back on all the awesome blog tours, but I really wanted to be in this one. Anyway, I enjoyed the character interview! :) Melanie sounds so funny!

    Eileen @ ***Singing and Reading in the Rain***

  2. Gorgeous cover, sounds like a great read.
    New follower!

  3. Thank you for sharing with us today. I love a character interview and this book looks really tasty!

  4. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. Good luck with the giveaway!

    - Beckie


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