Thursday, January 3, 2013

Author Interview w/ Sherry Gammon + Giveaway! Win a copy of Souls in Peril

Hi everyone! ^__^

I am super duper excited today to be able to share with my readers about one of my favorite indie authors. If you have not read anything by Sherry Gammon you so need to and SOON! And.. well here's your chance. I will be doing a author interview with Sherry to dive into the head of this amazing author. Souls in Peril one one of my top 3 books read in 2012. I was just dumbfounded by how truly amazing this book was. Wanna know my thoughts on the book? Check out my review. Also, be sure to enter the giveaway to win a copy of Souls in Peril at the end of the post. 

So without further ado... please help me in welcoming Author Sherry Gammon to Bittersweet Enchantment. :)


Title: Souls in Peril
Author: Sherry Gammon
Number of Pages: 297
Published: August 16, 2012 by Wordpaintings Unlimited
Source: Kindle copy, Author
Genre: Contemporary > Realistic Fiction
Reading Level: Young Adult

Max Sanchez is the “it” kid at Port Fare High. He’s the star of the baseball team, he’s dating head cheerleader Emma McKay, and he has a throng of wonderful, supportive friends. 

JD Miller is the school’s punching bag, verbally and emotionally. He has a loving mother, but her choice in boyfriends is questionable, leaving him a target at home as well as school.

A tragic car accident ends it all for Max when his soul is prematurely removed from his body. The powers that be have asked him to go back to earth temporarily to help classmate JD. Max, always up for a challenge, takes it as a chance to see his beloved Emma again and quickly jumps at what he views as the easy task of helping JD. Max knows with a little cardio he can easily whip the guy into shape, ending all his troubles. While staying mentally connected to JD, Max’s soul steps into JD’s body. However, Max’s reality is shattered as he enters a world void of love and hope: JD’s world--life as the bullied kid. 

Will he survive? Will JD? Did Emma's love for Max die also? Will Max be able to help these Souls in Peril, or is it all as hopeless as JD believes?

1. Can you tell my readers a little about yourself?  I’m a mom by day. . .  and night really! It is my all-time favorite job. Nothing more important on the planet than being a good mom, in my opinion! I write at night when the house is quite! I started writing as a child to get out some pent up feelings inside and discovered I loved it.

2. When did you begin writing? Have your always known you wanted to be an author? I started in sixth grade. I have always wanted to be a writer, but in all seriousness, my handwriting is soooo bad I could not read my own writing. Getting a laptop changed my world!

3. Souls in Peril is centered around bullying in school, why did you write this type of book? It actually started out as a short story for an anthology I was part of. It was going to be a romantic story, then it took on a life of its own. I can’t begin to tell you how compelling it was to write this. It consumed me.

4. Do did you have anyone or something that inspired you to write this novel? A couple of things. One, a boy I didn’t know from my friend’s high school was bullied to the point of suicide. Although I didn’t know the bullying that took place, it still made me sick to think someone was treated that poorly. That was my first taste of what bullying can do. Also, in the news lately there seems to be more and more stories about bullying and suicide. Again, it makes me sick. These suffering souls need us, and they need to not give up. Life does get better.

5. Who is your favorite character(s) from Souls in Peril? Why? Max. I love the growth we went through. From somewhat cock and oblivious to pretty much everyone but himself kid, to a hero, in my opinion

6. Did you find it difficult writing about such sad and intense emotions throughout the book? I found it tiring. I try to put myself in the character’s shoes so I can better tap into their emotions. When they are going through tough times, it can really drain me.

7. Name one thing you would like your readers to get out of reading Souls in peril, what would it be? To Never, Ever, Ever Give Up (to misquote Taylor Swift;}

8. Besides writing and reading, what other hobbies to you enjoy doing? I love to play on Photoshop and decorate my house. Oh and I love to clean toilets….J/K!!

9. Do you have a secret or hidden talent you can do? If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret;}

10. What is one thing you would change in this world if you could? People’s hearts. How I wish we cared for our fellow man as we should.

11. What would you tell someone who is being bullied/harassed and feels they have no place to turn? There is always somewhere to turn and to NEVER give up in your search. Keep reaching out until someone reaches back. These feelings, or a bad situation, will pass. The terrible, heartbreaking time will soon be over and life will be better on the other side of the trial. Also, once you get past it, don’t drag it around with you. Learn from it, grow from it, then toss it away. Don’t let it become a noose around your neck. You are worth so much more!

12. Thank you Sherry for being here today. YOU TOTALLY ROCK! Any final comments for my readers? Thanks for all your support with my first novel Unlovable. It is being made into a movie and is been translated in Hungarian and published over in Hungary…of all the random places! Thank you so very much!!

Find Sherry @   Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Unlovable was Sherry's debut novel and quickly rose to many top seller lists on Amazon. She is pleased to announce that Unlovable is currently being made into a movie. She has added two more novels to her body of work. Souls in Peril, the poignant story of Max Sanchez who is on a journey to help the struggling JD Miller survive high school, and Pete & Tink, a fun, light-hearted novella of a manga-loving geek and and five-and-a-half inch fairy.

Sherry and her husband, along with their children and a couple of crazy dogs, call Upstate New York home. It is where she spends her nights writing instead of sleeping.{:

Doesn't Souls in Peril sounds awesome?! Wanna win a copy?

Two lucky readers will win a ecopy of the book. Open Internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks Beckie. I'm grateful to you for the time this all took! Hope your new year is as awesome as you!!

  2. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for hosting and Ms. Gammon's books sound awesome! :) WRITE ON!

  3. I really enjoyed reading the interview with author Sherry Gammon and the excerpt of her book Souls in Peril. The book sounds very interesting and I am looking forward to reading it soon. Thank you for this giveaway!

  4. Bullying is such a concern. I enjoyed the interview thank you.

  5. I read Sherry's other series and loved it and know I will also enjoy this one!

  6. A lot of unique questions and I am glad you brought up bullying


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