Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Authors of Christmas Blog Tour | Featuring: Ron D. Voigts + Giveaway!

Hi everyone! With Christmas right around the corner I have decided to take part in a fun holiday event. 
25 Authors of Christmas is a event where many different book blogger get together and interview their favorite author(s). All author interviews are holiday themed. Then we share those interviews with our readers to help you guys find out more about the author we have chosen and their books. To find out more into about this event and who else is participating click here

I have chosen author, Ron D. Voigts, who so happen to be my Father. ;) He has written many Middle Grade/YA books, and has recently been published with Cool Well Press with his newest adult novel Claws of The Griffin. 

Ron D. Voigts works include:

Hi Ronald, tell us a little about yourself?

I’ve been writing for about 18 years.  My Penelope Mystery series is available at Amazon and other book sellers. My next book, Claws of the Griffin, will be out in the Spring of 2013. When not writing I read, watch movies and play WWF.

Where and how to you celebrate your Christmas?

On Christmas Eve my family and I head to church and later sit around the Christmas tree eating snacks, listening to music and talking. On Christmas day, it’s a big dinner, presents and just enjoying family.

Do you have a favorite Christmas present you received as a kid? If so, what was it?

We didn’t have many electronic things.  I liked things that were scientific. One year I got a chemistry set. I tried mixing things together. Sometimes they’d fizz or smell bad. Most times nothing happened. Never got anything to blow up.

Do you have a favorite Christmas movie you watch during the holiday?

I’m a Scrooge fan. I must have seen them all. Also, I read Dicken’s Christmas Carol every year.

Tell us a little about your book, Penelope and The Christmas Spirit?

Penelope’s parents never celebrate Christmas, but as part of her homeschooling experience allow it and turn holiday into a bizarre event. Meanwhile, down the road from her house, movers deliver an armchair, decorated Christmas tree and lamp to an empty house. This piques her curiosity. Where are the people who live there? Why don’t they have any other furniture? And there lies the mystery!

What Christmas present would Penelope most like to have?

Unfortunately her parents miss the part about giving in their study of Christmas.  For Penelope the excitement is to unwrap something. I can’t tell any more than that without giving away the plot of the story, except she receives something special.

Do you have any holiday traditions you do or used to do?

Years ago when my kids were little, Santa would hide the presents. Christmas morning the fun began with a search for them. Sometimes hints were given. Usually “getting hot” or “getting cold.” Finding the gifts was more fun than unwrapping them.

If you met the REAL Santa Clause what would be one thing you would ask him?

How do you do it all in one night?

In 3 words, tell me what Christmas means to you?

Peace and Goodwill.

What is your favorite food/drink to eat on Christmas?

Without a doubt it would be boiled custard. Although it doesn’t sound good, I tell people it’s like eggnog without the nog. If I had to describe the taste, I’d say liquid ice cream.

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

The year my dad was sick and not working. I only got one gift that year, but it was the best memory and my dad was there to celebrate with us.

Anything else you would like to tell my readers?

If you like Christmas stories then Penelope and The Christmas Spirit is a must read. I had one grandmother write and tell me that it was now a tradition to read it to her grandchildren. If grandmothers like it, it must be good. ;-)

Find Ron @ Amazon / Facebook / Twitter / Blog / Website

Ron D. Voigts lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and sometimes somewhere else. When back in Raleigh, he enjoys time with his family, watches old movies and shoots lots of pool. He has his own private writer's retreat in La Vale, MD where he spends lots of time working on his next novel while enjoying the mountains and eating ice cream.

Ron has offered to give away 2 ebook copies of his book, Penelope and The Christmas Spirit
This giveaway is open to EVERYONE! Good luck and thank you for stopping by.
To enter please use the rafflecopter form below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd love to get a tablet pc so I can read my ebooks and surf the net.

  2. I'd love a new paint job for my bathroom thank you Santa.

  3. I want books on my must-read shelf! :P

    Great interview!Wow! 18 years is a long time :o

    I celebrate my Christmas at home with my family. My parents' friends come over and we basically just relax and have fun. :D


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my post, I really appreciate it. :) Feel free to leave a comment below, I love reading them and I always try to visit everyone back. *MUAH*


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