Friday, December 19, 2014

A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest comes to Audible!

Great news everyone, A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest comes to Audible

I've recently been contacted by people at asking me to share a sneek peek of the first chapter of A Shade of Vampire. If you have never heard of this book or the series I would definitely check it out. I personally loved the book! I reviewed it back in mid-june 2013 and since then there have been many books added to the series. 

Now I myself I am not a huge audiobook fan, simply because I can't sit still while listening and I end up multitasking, therefore losing interest in the story but I do know there are a LOT of readers who do love audiobooks. The really cool thing is the main narrator is none other that Emma Galvin. She has done such books as the Divergent series and Beautiful Disaster along with many others. Honestly after hearing the clip I am about to share I may end up trying to read more audio books! ;) 

So without further ado, 

 A SNEAK PEEK from the audiobook, A Shade of Vampire!

To Purchase go to AUDIBLE.COM or click here!
Remember you can sign up for a 30 day membership absolutely free and receive your first book free! 

What do YOU think of the clip?!

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