Thursday, March 1, 2012

{Book Review:} Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories

Title: Dear Bully
Author: 70 authors (info here)
Published: September 6th 2011 by HarperTeen
Star Rating: ★★★★★
Source: Library

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As more and more teen suicides dominate the news, a generation's favorite authors--as varied as Alyson Nel, Jon Scieszka, and Mo Willems--come together to share their stories about bullying in a first-rate, deeply personal collection.

When I first heard about this book I knew right away that I had to get my hands on it but I was somewhat reluctant to read it once I did have it only because most of my life I was bullied and made fun of because of certain medical problems. I still hold a piece of that hurt deep within my heart so it was hard for me to be able to turn the first page of Dear Bully but once I did I keep reading and reading I began to see that I was not alone in my battle of bring bullied, hurt and made fun of. Each author who put their own story into the pages of the book whether it was them being being bullied themselves or them doing them bulling took a great deal of courage and forgiveness. While reading each story I got to thinking back of my own battle I had to fight each day of school and I wish I had a book like this back when I was growing up so maybe I could have seen that other's like myself where dealing with similar issues and finding ways of helping each other. Dear Bully is one of the most deeply moving, heart-wrenching yet inspiring book that I have read in a long time dealing with a real life situation. This is a topic that when I was in school was ignored and told it was nothing to worry about but it so was. I really truly believe that there are children out there that are scared to tell there parents or teachers that they are being bullied and then it ends up being to late. I would love to be able to tell each one of these 70 brave and wonderful authors that your book "Dear Bully" does and will make a difference to those who are being bullied and to people like me who have been hurt to the core by bullies most of there life's. Just knowing that I was not alone when it came to being bullied and feeling helpless against them somehow will slowly mend that part of my heart that still is broken. 

I really loved how the book was split into each authors story. This gave the book a wide range of enjoyment to be able to see what so many different authors male and female experienced during there time when they were being bullied/teased. I don't think I could do what these authors did to put myself out there and tell my story. This shows such bravery and love for themselves as well as forgiveness who hurt them or to forgive themselves for being the one who bullied someone else.

To me Dear Bully is a must read for everyone who has been hurt or has hurt someone in the past. I DO think that this book should be in schools and it could may one day or may already has saved a child life. 


  1. This sounds like a great read, thanks so much for sharing it.

  2. Yes, it was. Your welcome. :)

    - Beckie

  3. I'm desbrate to rea this book but I can't get hold of it. Very sad!
    Emily @


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