Friday, March 2, 2012

Follow Friday: #17

Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee & alisoncanread

Featured Blogger:
Danielle @ Mercurial Musings

This weeks question is:

Q: What book would you love to see made into a movie or television show and do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters?

Well ever since I read the book series The Iron Fey I have been telling my friends that these books would make an amazing movie(s). Although I am not sure who I would get to play in my dream cast that would be a hard descion but I shall try my best. 

(image credit:

I would have Emmanuelle Béart play Meghan. I just love her hair and I can picture the actress as Meghan Chase perfectly.

 Prince Ash - Need I say More. *Swoons* ^__^

So here is what I would love Puck to look like in my dream cast. YUM-O, right?! I mean look at those eyes!

Wow, this was a very fun FF question and I would love to see what everyone else did for there's. Feel free to post in the comments your FF link so I can come check yours out. :) 

Happy Friday everyone. I am SO glad this weekend is almost here, aren't you?!


  1. even though the series isn't for me...I LOVE your actor picks. Especially the first one.
    Happy FF. I'm a new follower :-)
    My post: FollowFriday!

  2. I still haven't had the chance to read hat series yet, but hopefully I can soon because I've heard it's amazing! Great pick :)

    Here's my FF!

  3. WHO are those eyecandies? Prince Ash is perfect and O M G Puck! I totally approve!

    Here's my IMM. ♥

  4. Ooh, those guys are very yummy!!

    New Follower!

  5. I haven't read Julie's books! People keep telling me too! I just wish there was a way to pause time so I can read everything!

    Have a great weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  6. Hopping through. Your Ash is very handsome. I love his hair.

  7. Hopping through. Your Ash is very handsome. I love his hair.


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my post, I really appreciate it. :) Feel free to leave a comment below, I love reading them and I always try to visit everyone back. *MUAH*


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