Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cover Reveal: Evertrue (Everneath, # 3) by Brodi Ashton | O.M.G!!! *fangirl scream* !

O.M.G!!! *dies a little* XD! Lookie what I found?! 


I am a HUGE, HUGE fan of this series! I have read both books in the Everneath series and adored them both immensely. When I saw this cover, I basically screamed! (No Lie!)  Evertrue is by far the most beautiful cover is this series, and maybe even EVER! REALLY! 0_o


I just knew I NEEDED to share this with my readers. YOU HAD TO SEE THE EPICNESS of the cover. 

Psst.. you, yeah you...the one who has not read this series...yeah you know I'm pointing at you! GO NOW! GO YESTERDAY! BUY THE BOOK, BORROW IT! JUST SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY READ IT!!! (: Trust me. MUAHAHA

For more info about these wonderful books - CLICK HERE and add them on Goodreads. Fan Brodi Ashton, she is EPIC! I have meet her and is such a sweetheart. :) 

Picture taken by me @ Pitch Dark Days Book Tour in Cary, NC.

So what do you think of the book cover? I would love to hear your thoughts. What cover is your favorite?


  1. DEAR GOD IS THIS REAL LIFE!!!! That cover is amazing!!!

  2. Yep pretty sure I just had a heart attack

  3. @ Jacklin - I know, right? I was floored when I first saw it. ;)

    @ Kelly - Thanks! Aren't they cute?!

    @ Jessica - Me too! I need life support. XD!


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my post, I really appreciate it. :) Feel free to leave a comment below, I love reading them and I always try to visit everyone back. *MUAH*


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