Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 end of year Wrap-Up + 2013 reading and blogging goals

Happy New Year everyone! 

First and foremost I want to thank YOU my amazing readers for being such loyal followers and friends. All of your comments, page views, and just sticking with me throughout 2012 means so very much to me! 

Since the end of 2012 is so very close to coming to an end (well for me anyways) I wanted to share with you all a final end of 2012 wrap up and my goals for 2013. So let's get started....

2012 reading goal: 120 books
Completed: 125

*does the happy dance and throws confetti*

What books did I read? (see above)

Ha, my longest book was Insurgent. ^_^ So many awesome books read this year. I feel a real sense of accomplishment. 

Hosted by Amy @ My Overstuffed Bookshelf

2013 Reading Goals:
  • To read 150 books ( will be doing the challenge above)
  • Join in on more reading challenges (ex. Read-a-thons)
  • To make a list of what books I want to read in 2013 and what ones are on my "maybe" list.
  • Not to force myself to read a book when I really don't care for it. 
  • Read more books off of my bookshelves at home. (I have no more room on them for new books)

2013 Blogging Goals:

  • Post more often but still take time for those little breaks in between
  • Comment more on others blogs
  • Read e-mails and keep up with mail each day.
  • Have more original content (more discussion posts) 
  • Do more reviews
  • More giveaways! ( sadly, I have no current job so it is hard to afford)
  • Meet new blog friends. ^_^

Final 2012 Stats:

  • 300 posts
  • 48 reviews :(
  • 101,351 unique page views

So how did you guys do? Link your posts or simply leave me a comment. I would love to know. ;) 

Thank you everyone for stopping by and I hope this new year brings each and everyone of you lots of fun, happiness and yes...BOOKS! What books are YOU most looking forward to in 2013?!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Book Challenges

Hi everyone. ^__^

With 2012 coming to an end very soon and 2013 right around the corner I have decided to make a post with all of the book challenges I will be doing. I love book challenges. I feel they really make reading so much more fun. Now I have only found a few so far that I want to do so when I find more they will be added to this post later on. All books read for each challenge will be record on the "BOOK CHALLENGE" link above.

★ Here is a list of the book challenges I will be participating in in 2013. â˜…

Hosted by Amy @ My Overstuffed Bookshelf

The goal to is read 150 books in 2013. 
This includes all types of books, ebooks, audio, re-reads, library, novella, Manga, ect. Once I have read each book it will be noted on the "BOOK CHALLENGES" link above. (not on this post)

Want to join this challenge with me? Click here

2013 Standalone Reading Challenge

The goal here is to read 15 or more standalone books. 
 This means that the book can not have an announced (sometimes sequels happen unexpectedly) sequel, prequel, follow up, etc. Also companion novels count towards the goal as long as the book takes place in the same world but with all new and different characters.

Want to join this challenge with me? Click here

Hosted by Bookish

With this challenge the goal is to read as many book as you'd like but you are only allowed to read books that have been in your TBR pile for sometime now. New books will be allowed only ones in 2012 and older.

My goal level I have chosen is:
21-30 books - A Sweet Kiss

Want to join this challenge with me? Click here

Hosted by Book Chick City

I am a HUGE zombie lover! This challenge is so right for me. 
The goal is to read any type of book with zombies in it. I have decided to go for level 2 which is:

Two Chomps: Read 12 Zombie books in 2013

Want to join this challenge with me? Click here.

Hosted by Katie's Book Blog

Read any contemporary YA novel that is published between January 1, 2013 and December 30, 2013 but you must read them in 2013! (All formats accepted: paperback, ARC, e-book)

My Level:  Level 3: 15+ books

Want to join this challenge with me? Click here.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

In My Mailbox # 35 + Stacking The Shelves # 12

A weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, where we post about all the books we have received whether in the mail, if we purchased it, or got it from our local library.

Stacking The Shelves ( hosted by Tynga's Reviews ) is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Books I have received for Review:
 Belonging by Karen Ann Hopkins [ ARC ]
Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes [ ARC ]

Books I have won or was gifted:
The cat who came back for Christmas by Julia Romp [ gifted at Christmas ]
The Puppy Diaries: Raising a Dog Named Scout by Jill Abramson [ gifted at Christmas ]
Love at First Bite: The Complete Vampire Lover's Cookbook by Michelle Roy Kelly,Andrea Norville [ gifted at Christmas ]
Ashen Winter (Ashfall #2) by Mike Mullin [ signed by author, won @ ]
Choker by Elizabeth Woods [ gifted at Christmas ]
As You Wish by Jackson Pearce [ gifted at Christmas ]
Fallen (Fallen #1) by Lauren Kate [ gifted at Christmas ]

Nobody by Us [ Swag, gifted from Kristin Halbrook ]

Books I have got from the library:

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices: Manga #1) by Cassandra Clare

Books I have bought:
Gilt (The Royal Circle #1) by Katherine Longshore
Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti

Thank you for stopping by. Be sure to leave your mailbox links so I can come check out your posts or just leave a comment of what books you got last week? 

I got a lot of lovely books for Christmas. I can't wait to read them.  

Would anyone be interested in winning some of the swag items above?  Please let me know. Leave me a comment. 

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and Happy reading! 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Follow Friday #29 + #FridayReads


Follow Friday is hosted by 
Parajunkee & Allison Can Read

Featured Bloggers are:
Meg  @ The Book Asylum
Samaine @ Bookworms Avenue


My Answer:

Why did I choose this book? Read my review - HERE

Friday Reads is a huge event that goes on every Friday where we all discuss what we are reading.  From my understanding this idea originated on Twitter from @FridayReads. You use the hashtag #FridayReads to share your current read and talk with other readers/bloggers about theirs. 

Here is what I am reading today:

Supernaturally by Kiersten White
Paperback (ARC), 336 pages
Published July 26th 2011 by HarperTeen

Evie finally has the normal life she’s always longed for. But she’s shocked to discover that being ordinary can be...kind of boring. Just when Evie starts to long for her days at the International Paranormal Containment Agency, she’s given a chance to work for them again. Desperate for a break from all the normalcy, she agrees.

But as one disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural world into chaos. The prize in question? Evie herself.
So much for normal.

Reason for reading:

I have been putting off reading this book for far to long. I loved Paranormalcy and have had my ARC of Supernaturally sitting on my book shevles for to long. So I decided it was time for me to read it. :)

What are everyone reading today/this weekend? Leave me a comment - I would love to know. :) Also be sure to leave your follow friday links below as well. 

Have a great weekend everyone. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

2012 My Bookshelves Tour [ PICS ]

Hello awesome readers! 

With 2012 soon coming to the end and 2013 right around the corner I thought I would give you all a look at my bookshelves. ( before more books are added ) I have 4 bookshelves and honestly not sure of how many books I have in total. I will have to count them all up before New Years. Now while I know many of you take video of all your lovely books I unfortunately don't have a nice enough video camera. So images will just have to work for now. 

Hope you enjoy! Oh and BTW I will not be sharing what each book is on the shelves. That would take a while so without future ado...


Number one - Top to bottom

Number two - Top to bottom

Number three - Top to bottom

Number four - Top to bottom

Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 EPIC Book Awards + GIVEAWAY!!! And the winners are...

Welcome Ladies and Germs Gentlemen to the 2012 EPIC Book Awards! - insert applause here -
It's almost the end of 2012 and I don't know about you but I read some totally EPIC book this year. Today on my blog is my award show to let you know, my readers, what books I thought ruled the roost. 

At the end of the book awards I will be hosting a giveaway for a chance to win one of the book listed below OR a 2013 preorder. Open to everyone! So be sure to stick around and enter the giveaway at the end of this post.

This will be a long post so please be patience and give it time to load. 

Here's the way it will work: 

  • First, there will be awards for several different book categories and/or genre's. ( ex. YA paranormal Romance, YA Contemporary, Funniest book...ect. )
  • Second, there will be 3 awards placed in each category. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 
  • Third, each book chosen will have a "Add to Goodreads" link added below the book. As well as a review if applicable.
  • Lastly, all books that are chosen are of my preferences and feelings. YOU are welcome to leave comments of approval or disapproval. Thumbs up or Thumbs down. It's all about having some fun!

Book Award Categories: [ 7 ]

  • Young Adult Paranormal Romance 
  • Young Adult Dystopia and/or Post Apocalyptic
  • Young Adult Contemporary
  • Young Adult Urban Fantasy and/or Fantasy
  • Young Adult Thriller and/or Horror
  • Young Adult - BEST Male/Female main characters
  • Young Adult - TOP THREE BOOKS of 2012!

Let's begin! 
*raises the spotlights* *cue the music* *gathers the winners envelopes*

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

1st Place:
Sophie Mercer 

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Now it's time for the final category:

Drum roll please.....

Coming in 1st Place:
Born Wicked! WHOO HOO!

Coming in 2nd Place:
Immortal City! Love, love, love!! *swoon*

Coming in 3rd Place:
Souls in peril! Sherry Gammon is a Indie Author GOD! ;)

Thank you everyone for stopping by!  I tell ya I sure read so many amazing books this year. I can't wait to dive into reading in 2013! I just know it will be a EPIC year in books. So what did you think? Did you agree with any of my choices for the awards? Well here's your chance to win ONE of the books above OR you can choose to win a 2013 pre-order.  (Up to $15 dollars from book depository)

All you have to do in fill out the rafflecopter form below and follow the simple rules.

  • Giveaway is OPEN to EVERYONE!
  • Main entry: follow my blog via GFC. All additional entries are optional but will gain you more chances to win.
  • Giveaway is open from today: December 22nd until January 23rd. 

  • a Rafflecopter giveaway


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