Title: The Impostor Queen (Untitled #1)
Author: Sarah Fine
Kindle, 336 pages
Published: January 5th 2016
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Genre: YA - High Fantasy - Romance - Magic

Sixteen-year-old Elli was a small child when the Elders of Kupari chose her to succeed the Valtia, the queen who wields infinitely powerful ice and fire magic. Since then, Elli has lived in the temple, surrounded by luxury and tutored by magical priests, as she prepares for the day when the Valtia perishes and the magic finds a new home in her. Elli is destined to be the most powerful Valtia to ever rule.
But when the queen dies defending the kingdom from invading warriors, the magic doesn’t enter Elli. It’s nowhere to be found.
Disgraced, Elli flees to the outlands, the home of banished criminals—some who would love to see the temple burn with all its priests inside. As she finds her footing in this new world, Elli uncovers devastating new information about the Kupari magic, those who wield it, and the prophecy that foretold her destiny. Torn between the love she has for her people and her growing loyalty to the banished, Elli struggles to understand the true role she was meant to play. But as war looms, she must align with the right side—before the kingdom and its magic are completely destroyed.
Oh, man! I can't believe I haven't read a Sarah Fine book before because The Impostor Queen is absolutely stunning! I have been suffering from a reading slump since December, and this book effectively pulled me out of that slump. For that, I would forever be thankful.
Elli was prophesied to be the most powerful Valtia to ever rule, but when her Valtia dies and she finally takes the throne, no magic comes to her. After a series of tests executed by the high priests, it was confirmed that she has no magic at all. She barely escaped with her life to the outlands, where the banished people lives. There, she learns more about the prophecy, and the role that she has to play.
I am not much of a fan of fantasy novels because I gravitate towards contemporary, but if I read fantasy books, these are the kinds of books that I love to read. It's light, yet the world and plot building are impeccable. Sarah Fine is a phenomenal author who knows how to find the perfect balance, and I loved her book for it. It wasn't like some other fantasy books where it's slow to start and then it's so full of excitement in the last few chapters. This one was balanced, and that made it more commendable and not at all boring at the first few chapters.
It's been a while since I last read a book with magic, and I have to say that I absolutely loved it in this book! The kind of magic in this novel is very unique, and it really satisfied me. The world was just so interesting and engaging that I was always on my seat, eating up the story and being excited about the events. I also loved the manner in which the events unfolded, and just the general direction of where the story went. This very unique books just really piqued my interest.
Gosh, I really can't wait to read the next book! Too bad I would have to wait such a long time for it! Oh, man, I feel like I'm being punished for reading this book so early. I recommend this for those looking for not-so-heavy fantasy books.
I have read only one book by sarah fine and I enjoyed it but I don't think I did as much as others. I never did finish that series. now there is this one and I do want to read it. Its getting lots of praise. I shall give it a try.