Friday, August 29, 2014

Book Blitz: Dead Girl Walking by Ruth Silver | Author Interview & Guest Post + Giveaway!

Welcome to Ruth Silver's Dead Girl Walking promo tour hosted by Itching for Books.

Title: Dead Girl Walking
Author: Ruth Silver
Series: Royal Reaper #1
Genre: YA Paranormal
Release date: April 25th 2014
Publisher: Patchwork Press
Purchase: Amazon | B&N

Synopsis via Goodreads:
Princess Ophelia Dacre sneaks out of the castle to visit her boyfriend in secret. A perfect night cut short when she’s brutally murdered.

Ophelia is given the rare chance to become a grim reaper. She must become Leila Bele, cut ties with her old life, and follow the rules of the reapers. Her greatest adventure begins with death.

“Listen, kid, I don’t care what you believe in. It’s not for me to say what’s true and untrue, real or unreal. My assignment was you. You get to be one of us, if you want it. Otherwise, you move on, life is over, kaput.” 

Ophelia backed away from the stranger. For the first time, she realized she didn’t feel cold and wasn’t shivering. Is this what being dead was like? “One of you?” 
“A grim reaper.” He held out his hand to properly introduce himself. “Edon Montgomery, head reaper and old soul.”

Author Interview with Ruth Silver

Where did you get the idea for a story about grim reapers?
I absolutely loved the show Dead Like Me that was on Showtime many years ago. It was quirky but offered a different perspective on death. That’s what I was going for when I wrote Dead Girl Walking.
If you had the chance, would you want to become a grim reaper?
No thanks! I’d probably struggle a lot with following the rules. Actually, I’m positive I’d be kicked off (if that’s an option).
Can you tell your readers a secret about writing your Royal Reaper series?
Originally the story was going to take place in the 1300’s during the Black Plague along the Silk Road. It became overly complicated with where the story took place and there not being a kingdom nearby to have a princess actually exist. I wanted it somewhat to follow history, but it was too complicated (not to mention the archaic language). So, I opted instead to make it a paranormal fantasy, put the characters in a fantasy world and still have historical events parallel our past.
Do you think book endings should be HEA (happily ever after)?
I prefer to read stories with happy endings. I’m okay if it’s a series and you’re going to torture my favorite characters and cause them lots of heartache at the end of book one or book two, but by the end of the series/story, I want a satisfying conclusion.
What other paranormal novels do you like?
Recently I was reading CC Hunter’s Shadow Falls series, which I’m in love with. I also love The Mortal Instruments series which falls between paranormal and urban fantasy.

Ruth  SilverAbout the Author: Ruth Silver

Find Ruth @

Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of Aberrant. The Young Adult/New Adult Romantic Dystopian Adventure, Aberrant is the first in a trilogy, released April 17th, 2013. Silver first began writing poetry as a teenager and reading heaps of fan fiction in her free time. She attended Northern Illinois University in 2001 and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Communication. While in college she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004. Her favorite class was Creative Writing senior year where she often handed in assignments longer than the professor required because she loved to write and always wanted to finish her stories. Her love of writing, led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading YA/NA novels and sharing her favorite books with other readers. She also enjoys photography, traveling and of most of all writing.

Casmerelda, The Black Plague, and How a World was Born 

I began with an idea for a story. Isn’t that normally how books are written? I loved the series Dead Like Me on Showtime. It was on from 2003 to 2004. Way too short a lifespan for a fabulous show. So I got to thinking, I haven’t read any books about grim reapers and certainly not any that were geared to a teen audience, quirky, and different. That was the thing about Dead Like Me, it was different. It was humorous, light-hearted, had a love story mixed in, and had characters you were rooting for the entire way through. 

As I was beginning to let my story take shape, I wanted something that went beyond reapers and pushed the boundaries into something fantastical. A mix of paranormal and fantasy. The princess idea was born. 

I didn’t want my main character, Princess Ophelia to solely be a princess from our current land, there had to be more. So, the initial plot took place in the 1400’s, specifically 1346 when the Black Plague spread along the Silk Road. What better way to kill off massive amounts of people than let a virulent disease do it? 

Complication: There were no monarchies (no princesses) where the story was taking place. At least not in that time period. Which obviously made things difficult. Either pull the novel away from historical fantasy or get the facts right. 

I tugged with the idea of how to make it historically accurate, and then decided the language would have to match. I didn’t like the sound of, “You're going to kill my beau.” I preferred it read “boyfriend.” That was just one instance, there were several language issues and I strongly felt the story would be better set in a fantasy world that parallels our history. Casmerelda was born.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Book Blogging vs Real Life | A Personal & Important Update!

Hi! *waves shyly* So I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I feel like I owe my readers and all of the authors/publishers I've worked with or who email me an update. I understand my personal life may not be something some of you may want to read about so no hurt feelings if you click off this page. :) I just feel my readers need to know why things around here have been so off and on. 

So here we go... (I am a little nervous)

Many of you don't know this about me but I suffer from chronic pain. Day in, day out all my body feels is pain. About 6 years ago (age 29) I fell while in the shower. I ended up tearing a bone in my spine as well as throwing a few of my spine disks out of alignment. Due to this injury I suffer from chronic back pain while sitting, standing and even sometimes laying down. Here's the thing, I do all or most of my blogging, emailing, and such in bed. Laying down. I've tried all kinds of medications, physical therapy, shots in my back and more but nothing has worked, nothing has even take the edge off the pain. Until now....

You may have noticed I've haven't been blogging much for the past month or two. The reason why is my Doctor has found something that ACTUALLY works to take away a good 60% or more of my pain. A spinal cord stimulator. This implanted device works by changing the pain signals that go to my brain into another sensation altogether. So instead of pain, I may feel a slight buzzing or a "cat-like purring". When nothing else worked this did. Now I've yet to have the back surgery to have the device placed on my spinecord but that is coming up soon. I did in fact have a trial done on August 5th, hence why I've been MIA lately. I won't go into a ton of details about that but I will say it worked. Something finally worked! So here's what that means...

1. My surgery date is coming up on Sept 30th. I will be on a few weeks to a couple months blog hiatus. I'm really not sure how long until after the surgery and I can see how I'm feeling. I will put a note up on my blog closer to the date.

2. After I'm all healed up everything should be back to normal or even better. I am hoping to be posting more frequently, doing more reviews more often and more giveaways. Reviews are the hardest to do for me because I have to lay still for so long. 

3. I will be playing email catch-up. I am always behind on my emails. I feel bad for not responding quickly or sometimes not at all. This is due to my pain NOT because I plainly don't like the sender or don't care to reply. 

And lastly.....4. I will be going on a much needed mini-late-summer vacation to Maryland. SO EXCITED about it and this will take place mid-september. I also will post a note on my blog again when the date comes closer. 

So that's pretty much it. As I'm writing this I feel kind of stupid. I don't want anyone to think I'm making excuses or telling my "sad story". I just wanted to share with my readers a little about me and why things have been the way they've been. I love my blog, I really do! I love running it, reviewing books, meeting such amazing people and of course sharing my love for books with all of you. I hope you enjoy reading it as I do writing it. I am really excited about being able to do more on my blog and I hope you are too. I will definitely being have a huge giveaway for my blogiversary in November!

If you've read this, THANK YOU! That means so much to me. It was hard for me to write this update because I maybe I shouldn't be so personal but I felt it was needed. 


All my love,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #25 | Famous Last Words

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm waiting on...

Famous Last Words by Katie Alender
Hardcover, ARC edition, 320 pages
Expected publication: September 30th 2014 by Point
Genre: YA - Mystery, Thriller

Hollywood history, mystery, murder, mayhem, and delicious romance collide in this unputdownable thriller from master storyteller Katie Alender.

Willa is freaking out. It seems like she's seeing things. Like a dead body in her swimming pool. Frantic messages on her walls. A reflection that is not her own. It's almost as if someone -- or something -- is trying to send her a message.

Meanwhile, a killer is stalking Los Angeles -- a killer who reenacts famous movie murder scenes. Could Willa's strange visions have to do with these unsolved murders? Or is she going crazy? And who can she confide in? There's Marnie, her new friend who may not be totally trustworthy. And there's Reed, who's ridiculously handsome and seems to get Willa. There's also Wyatt, who's super smart but unhealthily obsessed with the Hollywood Killer.

All Willa knows is, she has to confront the possible-ghost in her house, or she just might lose her mind . . . or her life.

Acclaimed author Katie Alender puts an unforgettable twist on this spine-chilling tale of murder, mystery, mayhem -- and the movies.

I'm a HUGE fan of Author Katie Alender. Her Bad Girl's Don't Die series is and forever will be one of my favorite books series as well as some of the scariest books I've ever read. Katie truly is the queen of thrillers! I am SUPER EXCITED about her new book! I can't wait to read come late September.

So what book(s) are YOU waiting on this Wednesday?
Leave us a comment. I'd love to know. :)


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blog Tour: Amity by Micol Ostow | Guest Post + Giveaway: win a SIGNED print copy of AMITY!

 photo amity_website_zps139e432d.jpg
Welcome everyone to the OFFICIAL Blog Tour for AMITY by Micol Ostow!
Today I bring you a fun guest post from the author about what she thinks makes a good scary story. There will also be a giveaway below to win a signed print copy of the book. :) 


Amity by Micol Ostow
Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: August 26th 2014 by EgmontUSA
Genre: YA - Horror, Thriller

For fans of Stephen King and American Horror Story, a gruesome thriller suggested by the events of the Amityville Horror.

Connor's family moves to Amity to escape shady business deals. Ten years later, Gwen's family moves to Amity for a fresh start after she's recovered from a psychotic break.

But something is not right about this secluded house. Connor's nights are plagued with gore-filled dreams of demons and destruction. Dreams he kind of likes. Gwen has lurid visions of corpses that aren't there and bleeding blisters that disappear in the blink of an eye. She knows Amity is evil and she must get her family out, but who would ever believe her?

Amity isn't just a house. She is a living force, bent on manipulating her inhabitants to her twisted will. She will use Connor and Gwen to bring about a bloody end as she's done before. As she'll do again.

Alternating between parallel narratives, Amity is a tense and terrifying tale suggested by true-crime events that will satisfy even the most demanding horror fan.

I've asked Micol "What key components make up a GREAT horror novel?" Here's what she said:

Hmm... as much as I’m a huge horror fan, I can’t say that I feel confident assessing what makes up a great horror novel. But I can say what tends to work for me as a reader (or viewer):

1) Tone: A good horror novel sets a tone of dread from page one. Don’t believe me? Do yourself a favor and revisit the opening paragraph of Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House. “Whatever walked in Hill House, walked alone.”

2) Pacing: Extreme, high-impact chills need to be interwoven with thoughtful intervals where a reader can recover and catch his or her breath. But not too many intervals! It’s a delicate balance.

3) Believable motivation: Oh, sure – sometimes evil is just evil. That works. But it doesn’t hurt to create a character and a set of circumstances that a reader will buy. It’s the difference between shock value and emotional resonance. Stephen King’s The Shining is a great example; Jack Torrance’s tortured persona was ripe for possession by the evil hotel. No matter the horrific deeds he commits, we sympathize with him. (No? Just me?)

4) Big scares: Motivation, pacing, tension and a low build are all well and good, but you still need the major jolts. Let’s call that the “boo!” factor. In Amity, a lot of those moments tend to happen in mirrors.

And finally:

5) Just a hint of gross-out. Look, I’m not big into torture porn. True gore doesn’t do it for me at all. But a little glimmer of blood? The power of suggestion cannot be underestimated. Anyone remember the shower scene in Psycho? Go back and watch it again – you’ll never see Norman Bates’ knife pierce the skin. But you will think that you do. Now that’s horror.

About The Author: Micol Ostow

Find Micol @

Micol Ostow has written dozens of books for children, tweens, and teens, but Amity is her first foray into horror. I turns out, writing a ghost story is almost more terrifying than reading one. (In a good way.) Her novel family was called a “Favorite Book of 2011” by Liz Burns at School Library Journal, and her illustrated novel, So Punk Rock (and Other Ways to Disappoint Your Mother), was a Sydney Taylor Notable Book for Teens. In her spare time, Ostow blogs with the National Book Award-winning literacy initiative She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband, her (utterly fearless) daughter, and a finicky French bulldog named Bridget Jones. Visit her online at or follow her on Twitter @micolz.

 The wonderful people at EgmontUSA are giving me a SIGNED print copy of AMITY to give away on my blog! To be entered to win please use the rafflecopter form below.

Open to US and Canada ONLY.
Giveaway closes Sept 14th, 2014

Next on tour is: Jump Into Books

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Cover Reveal & ARC Giveaway: Silent Alarm by Jennifer Banash

Hello everyone!
I am so excited to say I've been asked by Penguin/G.P. Putnam's Sons to share with my readers today the cover reveal for Author Jennifer Banash's NEW and Upcoming novel, SILENT ALARM! I am a huge fan of the author, her book White Lines was a spectacular read. Along with the cover reveal the amazing people are Penguin have offered to give away a print ARC of Silent Alarm to one of my lucky readers. How cool it that? So without further ado... 


Life changes in a second. 
It was just another Tuesday afternoon for Alys Aronson, worried about her upcoming violin audition, wishing for her boyfriend’s arms wrapped around her. Instead, she was hunched over her history notes in the school library, where she couldn’t have known what was in store—that her brother was headed to that same library with a rifle in his hand. Though she’ll never know why, he spares her, but kills fifteen others that day, only ending the bloodshed by turning the gun on himself.

In an instant, her high school becomes one of those places you hear about on the news, and her brother, Luke, is branded a monster. In the aftermath of the shooting, Alys and her parents struggle to make sense of what’s happened and find a way to stay together. All along the way, trying to answer that unbearable question: Why?

Exquisitely written with a powerfully evocative voice, Jennifer Banash’s Silent Alarm is raw, heartbreaking, and ultimately beautiful.

What does everyone think of the new cover?

Please use the rafflecopter form below to enter. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop! Win one of many awesome books!

Hello fellow bookworms! 
Welcome everyone to the *Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop!*

Hosted by Mary @ Book Hounds &

First I want to quickly thank everyone who stops by and enters this giveaway. 
YOU GUYS TOTALLY ROCK! I hope you enjoy your stay! 

Here are the books up for giveaway. There will be ONE winner and he/she will get to choose a book from the piles below. A second winner will be added if I get over 500 entries. 

All books are in prefect condition.

Giveaway Rules:
  • Mandatory entry: Follow via Bloglovin
  • Ends August 27th @ Midnight. 
  • Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. 
  • No cheating. I WILL be checking. 
  • OPEN TO US residents ONLY!
  • Winner will be chosen via rafflecopter and will have 48 hours to reply to winning email send by me. With 48 hours if there is no reply a new winner will be chosen. 
  • All bonus entries are optional but will higher your chances of winning.

Be sure to hop on by to the next stop: Books R Us- A Great Place for Reviews or check the rest of the blogs participating here.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bout of Books Read-a-thon 11 - Goals & Updates!

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.

Welcome to Bout of Books 11!

Runs August 18th - August 24th.
Sign up: HERE 
Twitter hashtag: #Boutofbooks

It's time once again for another Bout of Books read-a-thon. YAY! *claps* This is my 9th one I've participated in in the past few years and if you've never done one you're surely missing out. They are so much fun! It's a great way for me to challenge myself to read more than I normally do. Plus, I love the giveaways and of course sharing my updates via Twitter and with you all as well.

On this post you will find what books I will be reading throughout the week, my goals and daily updates. I will be updating THIS post each day, so check back often to see what's new. I may do a few other posts throughout the week to recap. Also all mini-challenges I complete will be at the bottom of this post.  For more hourly updates, I will be posting on my twitter account.  @SyCo4Twilight using the hashtag #boutofbooks

Time Devoted to Reading:
  • I will be reading from the August 18th - August 24th. 

  • Read 3-6 Books.
  • Do mini-challenges. 
  • Keep up with daily updates. 
  • Visit & leave comments on Bout of Books participants blogs.
  • Join in on Twitter chats and make new friends. ;)

Books I will be reading - 

Forget Me by K.A. Harrington
Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre
Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
The Fourth Wish by Lindsay Ribar 
Fiendish by Brenna Yovanoff 

Day One UpdatesAugust 18th, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Two UpdatesAugust 19th, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Three UpdatesAugust 20th, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Four UpdatesAugust 21st, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Five UpdatesAugust 22th, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Six UpdatesAugust 23rd, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Day Seven UpdatesAugust 24th, 2014
Number of books read today: 
Total Pages Read today: 
Mini Challenges Completed Today: 
Number of books read in Total: 

Bout of Books Scavenger Hunt @ The Book Monsters

1. A Book that begins with “B”  (for Bout of Books!)
2. A book that has been made into a movie/tv show
3. A series you love
4. An anthology of poems or short stories
5. A book on your TBR shelf, or your full TBR shelves


2. Divergent 

3. Medusa Girls series

4. Grim

5. Incarnate 

Book Playlist Challenge @ LuLo FanGirl

I choose the book The Fourth Wish by Lindsay Ribar. Here are the songs on my playlist. 

1. Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera
2. My Wish by Rascal Flatts
3. Three Wishes by The Pierces
4. Do You Believe In Magic by The Lovin' Spoonful
5. I'm Wishing by Snow White 

Recreate a Cover Challenge @ Spines & Covers

Here is the book I used:

- done with items from around the house and edited in Paintshop - 

5 Book Challenge | Post-Apoctolyptic Challenge 
hosted by Falling Down the book hole

There's been a Alien Invasion... 
Given the short amount of time you are only able to take 5 books with you. What books would you pick to take with you as you escape and prepare for the end of the world. Would you choose books that would help you survive in the post-apocalyptic world ,books for pleasure that would make you happy and take you to a fantasy reality or books that you can’t live without?

  1. First and foremost, The Bible. For obvious reasons of course. I'm a Christian and The book would help me through whatever came next.
  2. White Hot Kiss! I've recently read this one a week or so ago and was blown away by how awesome it was. I DEVOURED IT in hours! *sigh* Personally one of my favorites book of all time. 
  3. The Devouring by Simon Holt. Because it's another one of my favorite books and a book I would read over and over again. Super scary too. (a distraction, maybe?)
  4. Les Misérables. I've never read it but it's super long to I would have plenty to read or it could be used for a fire. haha!
  5. My Kindle. Does that count? 0_o Of course, that's WAY more than 5 books but of well. 


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