Friday, March 31, 2017

Book Blast: Ivory Queen (Order Of The Bell #1.5) By Jacob Devlin + Giveaway!

Hello readers!
Are you looking for your next read?
Well, let us help make things easier for you!
Welcome to the Book Blast for
Ivory Queen (Order Of The Bell #1.5) by Jacob Devlin
presented by Blaze Publishing!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!
Looking for more books to read? Read on and find a book that’s waiting for you to devour!
Ivory Queen (Order of the Bell #1.5) 
by Jacob Devlin 
Publication Date: January 10, 2017 
Publisher: Blaze Publishing

Twenty-five years ago, the venomous Queen Avoria was banished from the enchanted realms of Florindale and sentenced to spend eternity inside a cursed mirror.

After a seemingly endless tumble through the mirror’s abyss, Avoria awakens in a gloomy metropolis in the darkest corner of Wonderland. There she meets the shrewd King of Hearts, Cornelius Redding, and the two strike a turbulent alliance. As Avoria helps Cornelius execute his conquest of Wonderland, she plots her own vengeance against the world that cast her out. In the city's cold shadows, Avoria finds pawns in the souls that defied her, truth in the reflection that calls to her, and power in the past that forged her. And thus, the Ivory Queen begins carving a path to the ultimate throne.


    "a well-written glimpse into the magic mirror." - Janelle  
  " Avoria is a really fascinating villain"Samantha  

When Jacob Devlin was four years old, he would lounge around in Batman pajamas and make semi-autobiographical picture books about an adventurous python named Jake the Snake. Eventually, he traded his favorite blue crayon for a black pen, and he never put it down. When not reading or writing, Jacob loves practicing his Italian, watching stand-up comedy, going deaf at rock concerts, and geeking out at comic book conventions. He does most of these things in southern Arizona.

 Shadow Fall (Shadow Fall #1)
by Audrey Grey 
Publication Date: November 22, 2016 
Publisher: Blaze Publishing

The asteroid hurtling toward the earth will kill billions.

The Emperor and his Gold Court will be safe in their space station, watching from the stars. The Silvers will be protected underground. But the Bronzes must fight it out at the Shadow Trials for the few remaining spots left on the space station.

When an enigmatic benefactor hands Maia Graystone a spot in the Trials, she won’t just get a chance at salvation for her and her baby brother, Max: She gets to confront the mother who abandoned her in prison, the mad Emperor who murdered her father, and the Gold prince who once loved her. But it’s the dark bastard prince she’s partnered with that will make her question everything, including her own heart. With the asteroid racing closer every day, Maia must trust someone to survive.

The question is who?


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After a financial collapse devastates the United States, the new government imposes a tax on the nation’s most valuable resource—the children.

The Carver by Jacob Devlin 
Publication Date: July 19, 2016 
Publisher: Blaze Publishing

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Crescenzo never would’ve thought his father’s figurines were modeled after real people, but when his loved ones start vanishing from his life, he must unite their real life counterparts and seek their aid to save his family.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog Tour: The Fortune Teller's Secret by Ron D. Voigts | Character Interview + Giveaway!

Welcome everyone to the BLOG TOUR for 
The Fortune Teller's Secret 
A Cavendish Brown Paranormal Mystery Book 2
by Ron D. Voigts!
In this post, you can learn all about this amazing book series, meet Alex one of the main characters in the book as Ron interviews her and enter to win a giveaway for a $10 Amazon GC! Enjoy!

The Fortune Teller's Secret
A Cavendish Brown Paranormal Mystery Book 2
by Ron D. Voigts
Genre: Paranormal Mystery

A dead man on a Ferris wheel and a cold-case murder take Cavendish Brown into a world of carnival freaks, ghosts, and killers.
The annual carnival comes to Maiden Falls, a small town in the West Virginia Mountains, but everything is not merry.

The ghost of a woman appears to Cavendish Brown, a carnival worker lies dead aboard a car on the Ferris wheel, and a bullied teenager plots to kill people at the carnival with a homemade bomb. More complications arise. Cavendish again butts heads with the local sheriff, Clinton Pike. 

Marbella Wellingway, owner of the newspaper where Cavendish works, receives a visit from the Angel of Death. And a Fortune Teller at the carnival knows something that could forever change Cavendish’s life. 

With the aid of Jane, a disturbed psychic, and Alexandra, a Goth witch, he must find the killer, help the mystery woman, and risk his life to prevent more deaths.
Purchase at Amazon | Smashwords | Kobo

The Witch's Daughter 
A Cavndish Brown Paranormal Mystery Book 1
by Ron D. Voigts
Genre: Paranormal Mystery

Investigative reporter and recent widower, Cavendish Brown, is unemployed and floundering. Coerced into returning to his childhood home by the town's eccentric matriarch, Cavendish finds himself involved in murder, deceit, and a not-so-subtle attempt at matchmaking. Joined by Jane, a disturbed psychic, and Alexandra, a young Goth woman with uncanny abilities, they follow leads into the hills of West Virginia to catch the killer. A sheriff who shoots first and asks questions later makes solving the case difficult for the trio. Adding further complications is an ex-girlfriend with a mob hitman on her trail who seeks Cavendish’s help.

Immersed in a never-ending spiral of clues and secrets, he must unlock the darkness that surrounds the enigmatic Jane, stay ahead of the law, and come to terms with his own grief.
Purchase at Amazon | Smashwords | Kobo
Recent Interview with a Pretty Witch
(w/ Alex, a character in the books)
By Ron D. Voigts

Running late for a meeting with Alexandra Wellingway, I push open the door to the Rusty Nail, a small coffee shop with a steampunk décor. Since my last visit, the place has some new pieces in the design—a vintage electric fan, a ceramic statue of a poodle wearing goggles and an aviator hat, and a poster of the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet.  The java house serves an excellent caramel latte, something I’d planned to try.  

Alex: You-who! (She waves at me from a corner table)

Ron: You look stunning. I like the shirt. (She’s wearing a lavender colored shirt with black lace fringes and the words: “Me? Sarcastic? Never.”)

Alex: Thank you. The shirt is from my pastel Goth collection. (She waves to the barista who brings me a drink.)

Ron: You ordered me a caramel latte.  How did you know I wanted one?

Alex: I’m just a good guesser, I guess.  (She giggles.)

Ron: (I sip, and it’s really good.) You and Cavendish went to a carnival in The Fortune Teller’s Secret.  What was it like going there with him?

Alex: Sometimes he can be a fuddy-duddy.  Getting him to go on rides is hard, like tying knots in spaghetti with your tongue. (She smiles.) But that would be a talent.  I did finally get him on one called The Galaxy Smasher.  I think he had fun.  Getting him on the Ferris wheel didn’t work out--a problem with a dead body in one of the cars.

Ron: In the first book, The Witch’s Daughter, you and Cavendish dig up a dead body. Anything like that in Book 2?

Alex: (She taps her chin) Well, I don’t want to give too much away, but…maybe some digging goes on, and they may find something that once was alive. But I am not saying what. (She runs a finger across her lips like pulling a zipper.)

Ron: In Book 1, you and Cavendish get a little emotionally involved. Anything like that in the second book?

Alex: Well, I am not one to kiss and tell, but something may happen. Enough said.

Ron:  What about Jane? Does she use her talent to see the past again and help solve the murder?

Alex: Jane, as always, is extremely helpful and discovers a few clues on her own. And she has a new thing, but I’m not telling. I’ll give you a hint. Look up into the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s Jane.  (The corner of mouth turns up into a half-smile, and she sips her drink.)

Ron: Anything else you want to tell us about the book?

Alex: Hmm.  I don’t want to give too much away.  (Checks her watch.) Oh, I’m late. Got to be somewhere. (She stands.)

Ron: Please, just a tickler about The Fortune Teller’s Secret.

Alex: Okay. (Sighs.) The ending will blow you away. (She runs, stops, and throws me a kiss.) Ta-ta.
Ron D. Voigts lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and sometimes somewhere else. When back in Raleigh, he enjoys time with his family, watches old movies and shoots lots of pool. He has his own private writer’s retreat in La Vale, MD where he spends lots of time working on his next novel while enjoying the mountains and eating ice cream.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Book Blitz: Birthright by Jessica Ruddick | Top Ten List + Giveaway!

Welcome to the book blitz for 
Birthright by Jessica Ruddick! 

by Jessica Ruddick
Genre: YA Supernatural
Release Date: March 20th 2017


How do you live with yourself when you decide who dies?

Ava Parks would have killed for an iPod for her sixteenth birthday. Anything would have been better than coming into her birthright of being a seeker for the Grim Reaper, an arrangement made by her fallen angel ancestor in exchange for his re-admittance to heaven. And she isn’t just any seeker—she finds souls that have the potential for becoming angels and sentences them to death. A year and two souls into her role as a seeker with her conscience overflowing with guilt, Ava comes up with a plan to thwart the system. When it goes awry, she is forced to submit the name of a classmate, Cole Fowler, an ornery, rough around the edges guy who always seems to come to her rescue, whether she likes it or not. Her feelings for Cole prompt her to intervene, and she saves him from death, upsetting the Grim Reaper’s agenda. 

While Ava schemes to find a way to save Cole, she learns he has some secrets of his own. She lets him believe he is protecting her, and not the other way around, until a final showdown with the Grim Reaper forces Ava to make choices Cole may never forgive.

Birthright can be purchased at any of the following retailers:

Top Ten Books/Series You Should Read (in no particular order)
**Keep in mind I have a master’s degree in English literature and I was an English teacher for thirteen years.
  1. Shakespeare’s plays, specifically Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Othello. You’d be surprised how relevant these works are today even though they were written four hundred years ago. Also, people often refer to Romeo and Juliet as a love story. Not really. It’s a tragedy about two lust-driven teenagers.
  2. The Harry Potter series. Do I even need to explain this one? ☺
  3. 1984. This book is another one of those that remains relevant even though it was written decades ago. There are still traces of it in pop culture today. Big brother, anyone?
  4. The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I absolutely love these books. I’m a little bit obsessed, actually. They made me laugh, cry, and everything in between.
  5. J.D. Robb’s In Death series. A neighbor I babysat for introduced me to these way back when I was a young teenager and I still enjoy them now.
  6. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Some consider this the first romance novel. Isn’t that reason enough to read it?
  7. The Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series by Charlaine Harris. These are a fun read. I also loved the TV show. The first season followed the first book pretty closely, but after that it veered off dramatically. Both are excellent in their own right, though.
  8. Kelley Armstrong’s Otherworld series. There are thirteen books in all and it’s complete. (I read so fast I prefer a series to be complete when I start so I don’t have to wait.) There are also various novellas and short stories. The series is unique in that the narrators change from book to book, which keeps it fresh.
  9. Indie author Kate L. Mary’s Broken World series. Kate is actually a friend of mine and these books are addicting. They read like a TV show, similar to The Walking Dead. Full Disclosure: I don’t actually watch that show because it would give me nightmares! But anyway, the series is well written and I devoured them.
  10. Rachel Vincent’s Shifter series. This series is complete at six books. It was her first series and has been out for a while now. They were actually new adult before new adult became a thing.
So I know I’m forgetting about a million great books that deserve to be on this list, but these are the first ten that came to mind. The good news is that a lot of them are series, so I actually managed to sneak in over a hundred books! Pretty sneaky, right? ☺

Jessica Ruddick is a 2014 Golden Heart finalist for her new adult novel, Letting Go, which was inspired by her own college experiences. She lives in Virginia and is married to her college sweetheart—their first date was a fraternity toga party (and nothing inspires love like a toga, right?). When she doesn’t have her nose in a book or her hands on a keyboard, she can be found wrangling her two rambunctious sons, taming two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs, and battling the herd of dust bunnies that has taken up residence in her home. To learn more about Jessica, please visit her website at

Enter to win a Kindle copy of the Author’s first award-winning book, 
Letting Go.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blog Tour: Operation Prom Date by Cindi Madsen | Excerpt + Giveaway!

Operation Prom Date
by Cindi Madsen
Series: Tactics in Dating #1
Publication Date: March 13, 2017
Publisher: Entangled Teen Crush

Kate ships tons of fictional couples, but IRL her OTP is her and Mick, the hot quarterback she’s crushed on since, like, forever. With only one semester left of senior year, it’s now or never if she wants to land him in time for prom. Since she’s flirtationally challenged, she enlists Cooper Callihan, the guy who turned popular seemingly overnight but who used to be a good friend.

Cooper lives and breathes rowing, but his partner just broke his wrist. When he remembers Kate’s good with a set of oars, he strikes a deal: help him train, and he’ll make sure her crush notices her. Only he didn’t know how addicting spending time with her would be. Or how the more successful the Operation is, the more jealousy he experiences.

The mission has been set. The troops have their marching orders. But what if the target is the wrong guy all along?

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains stargazing, accidental swimming, and poker swindling. This kissing practice will melt your ereader…and give you a new couple to ship.  
Purchase at 

Cooper glanced at the ducks. “Do you ship them?”
“Not that I have to, because they’re clearly already in love, but yes. I hope they have a very happy duck life and have lots of beautiful duck children.”
“I think the word you’re searching for is ducklings, because children are a human thing. Duck children sounds like a mutant science experiment gone wrong.”
“Ugh, you drive me crazy!” I shoved him, and he barely caught his balance.
“I just thought a math girl would be more into facts, is all.”
I moved to shove him again, and he caught my arm. The boat rocked, and I fell into Cooper, my hands braced against his chest. Despite trying not to think about it, my hands noticed how firm it was. I also caught a whiff of woodsy cologne, and there was something intoxicating about the way it mixed in with the fresh air and water scent.
“Careful,” Cooper warned, his deep voice vibrating against my palms. “You’re about to send us both into the water.”
“I don’t want to be careful.” I straightened. “I love the lake, and I want to enjoy my time out here. I’m glad you love rowing and all, but sometimes you’ve got to slow down for a moment and appreciate it.” I squatted next to the side, curving my hands around the edge of the wooden boat, and peered into the water. Underneath the surface, a couple of fish darted back and forth. “There’s an entire life under there and you’re missing it.”
Cooper knelt next to me, his thigh pressed against mine, and warmth wound through me. “I get what you’re saying,” he said. “No more being so serious.”
“Seriously.” In one fluid motion, I scooped up a handful of water and launched it at him.
His jaw dropped. He blinked at me through wet lashes, and then he lunged. With a squeal, I scrambled backward, attempting to flee—I’m not sure where, but I supposed there was something to be said for trying.
Unfortunately Cooper was too fast. He launched a spray of water at me and all I could do was throw my hands in front of me to try to block another attack. The boat rocked as I attempted to stand, and I flung out my arms, trying to brace myself on something.
Strong hands caught me around the waist. I gripped Cooper’s wrists, clinging on for dear life. The rocking of the boat calmed, but I couldn’t say the same for my heart rate. Instead of coming back down, it tripped over its beats, each one faster than the next.
The weirdo attraction vibes caught me off guard and overwhelmed me, so I did the only thing I could think of. I rocked the boat again, trying to get the teasing vibe back. Only I overdid it, my attempt to turn the tides apparently endowing me with super strength.
I bumped into him, and he tipped, his hands flailing now. “I’m sorry, I—”
He reached out and caught hold of my wrist, and then we both went tumbling over the side, into the icy cold water.

Cindi Madsen is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance and young adult novels. She sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a new pretty pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music, dancing, and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children.
Website • Twitter • Facebook • Goodreads • Pinterest
Giveaway Info: Kate Hamilton's OTP Prize Pack, including two Funko Pops: The Green Arrow and Felicity* *NOTE: A $20 Amazon gift card will be substituted in the place of the prize pack if the winner is international.


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