Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Call for HELP (again)! Looking for a co-blogger or reviewer.

Hey everyone! 
Last year I posted a call for help and found some great people to help me but sadly two of the three have left my blog due to personal reasons. While it really saddens me to see them leave after only working for a few months I know it's for the best. So yes, now I am back to looking for a some help.  Below is all the info about the jobs open and how to apply. PLEASE, only serious applicants apply. 

Thank you! I look forward to working with some new people soon!

I know there is a high demand for this type of work on book blogs but I am willing to ask and hope. ;) So if you're someone who has always wanted to start a blog of your own but never have, once owned a blog or even someone who loves to review books then continue reading...

Co-Blogger (1-2)
Full time or part time reviewer (1-3)

General Requirements:
  • You must have basic knowledge of HTML and are able to format a blog post.
  • You must be willing to keep in touch with me by either email, IM or social media. 
  • You should be reliable and active on the internet and are able to check your emails at least two to three times a week.
  • You must be able to post at least once or twice a week but the more the better. 
  • To contribute on the blog by either writing a discussion post, hosting a giveaway, do basic promo posts with authors/publishers and just working with me on upcoming events. 
  • Post a review at lease 2 times a month. 
  • LOVE reading and YA-Adult books. Have a positive attitude.
*The "Additional note" seen below also applies to co-bloggers.
General Requirements:
  • You must be able to post (or have me set up the post for you) a review up at least twice a month. You are welcome to post more if you'd choose.  
  • If given a book via author/publisher you must read/review said book on deadline or with 3 months of accepting the review request.  (this is void if you didn't like said book)
  • You MUST be honest and fair when reviewing books. You are allowed to post a negative review as long as you keep it more towards constructive criticism than hate.
Additional note: 
I will be also sending you emails when review requests come in. These will either be requests for you personally via authors/publishers or ones I share with you directed to all of us. Also owning an e-reader is a plus but not required.

You DO NOT have to review only review book copies. You CAN review any book of your choosing. 
The Perks!
  • Working directly with authors and publishers and feeling good about helping to make a difference.
  • Free books! Including ARC's and finished copies both print and ebook. (this should not be the only reason you want to help)
  • Making friends and growing closer to the book blogging community. 
  • Join in on blog tours and other events with your favorite authors. 
  • You will be added to the ABOUT US page and REVIEW POLICY PAGE. 
  • FUN!!!

If you have any questions about the info above or wish to know more please email me at chikittie@gmail.com or tweet me @SyCo4Twilight. 

All you have to do is copy and paste the form below into an email addressed to:
with the subject line: "BE APPLACTION".
  1. Name: 
  2. Age:
  3. Country:
  4. Email:
  5. Social network links:
  6. Do you own an e-reader?
  7. Tell me a little about yourself:
  8. What are your favorite genres of books?
  9. How much time can you commit to blogging a week? What types of posts are you willing to do?*
  10. Have you ever blogged before and where? 
  11. Do you know about to use the blogger platform and work with HTML?*
  12. Why do you want to be part of the Bittersweet Enchantment family?
  13. Link to a review(s) you've written: 
The questions with the * by are only for co-bloggers to answer. 

I am SO looking forward to hopefully soon welcoming a few new awesome people to the Bittersweet Enchantment family! If you think this is something you want to do or know someone who does don't hesitate on emailing me. 
As always happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

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