Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog Tour: Justice Buried by Hilary Thompson | Book Spotlight + Giveaway: win a signed copy & Amazon GC!


Justice Buried by Hilary Thompson Blog Tour!

Hosted by:

Justice Buried by Hilary Thompson 
Series: Starbright #1 
Paperback (and ebook), 304 pages
Release date: January 15th 2014
Genre: YA - Fantasy/Mythology

The people need Justice, but she's not listening. One hundred years before, the Great Sickness reduced the world to three cities. Now the community of Asphodel is trapped underground, waiting for the prophesied maiden of Justice to return and save them from their Fates.

Sixteen-year-old Astrea is supposed to be this savior - too bad for them she isn't a believer. Trea fights against her false destiny: she rebels against her family and friends, then refuses her arranged marriage to the charming but deceitful Lexan. Learning her life is in danger, Trea is forced to trust Lexan - until she discovers a power she never knew she had, and one he already knew he did.

As betrayal closes every door, Trea decides she must submit to her stars and accept her fate. Then a handsome stranger offers her an unexpected escape and the chance to create her own destiny.

Chapter One

In the beginning of the end, three sisters decided the fate of the world. From the ruins of the Sickness, they each created a city: Lakessa chose Asphodel to linger underground, Clota decided Tartarus would burn in the desert, and Aisa built Elysium to rest at the edges of the land. There the people wait for the return of the star-bright maiden of Justice.

from The Book of Ministry, Chapter One: Origins,

Head Minister Charles, year 2068

I keep my head bowed close to my knees as the others shuffle past my pew. Father pauses before me, and I stare at his woven slippers, willing them away. His fingers graze my curls and I sense his customary smile, but my heart does not trust it.

He expects too much of me.

Once all of their whispers and steps have faded, I raise my face to the ceiling and glare at the gleaming bits of diamond set deep into the rock. Here are the archaic diagrams we worship: every surface holds the rules and charts of the zodiac. These counterfeit stars dictate everything about my life.

I want to claw the diamonds from the low rock ceiling, scratch them from my cheek, and hurl them to the deepest parts of our underground river.

I want to create my own destiny.

But this is Asphodel, and that will never happen.

My cheeks flush in unspent anger and I hurry past the altar, then squeeze into the hidden passage. The ceiling drops me to my hands and knees, my ribcage constricting as the space diminishes. The stone changes from dusty to damp as the tunnel ends. I rise carefully, feeling for low-hanging stalactites, and count seven controlled steps in the blackness, towards the water’s edge.

I light the waiting candle and lay my meditation pillow at the pool’s edge. The water spreads far beyond what I can see, connecting to other pools and rivers ribboning beneath the rooms of our lonely cave city.

Grandmother’s sweet, strong face hovers behind my eyelids as I bend forward to submerge my fingers in the icy water. I speak the rhyme she taught me:

Fire light, burning bright,
Cast in fury, tossed by spite.
Power of flame, in dark of night,
Combined with air, is evil’s delight.
But cooled with water, heat is spent
And thoughts and actions are heaven-sent.

Four times I chant the prayer: then four again, and again, and again. Finally, my Aries fire feels calmed, and I can safely return to the city. To my life of waiting.

As I slip back into the Ministration Room, the altar candles flare and illuminate a pair of glinting eyes, staring expectantly at me. Every bit of air pushes from my lungs.

Lexan. He shouldn’t be here. He can’t know about this: I’ve hidden it for so long.

“Hello, Astrea,” he says, stepping too close to me. A small grin twists at one corner of his lips, hinting at some game he is playing.

“I’ll not tell anyone, of course,” he says as his fingers catch my sleeve, then slide towards my wrist. I yank away and glare, but he only turns and slips out the door.

My calm evaporates like air sucked into a fire. He will make an infuriating partner.

There’s no sign of Lexan as I enter the shadowy Common Area, and I hurry across the uneven rock floor. I need to make it home before the daylights are doused. Just before I reach the passage leading to the Living Quarters, a voice rings out.


I know that voice, and it’s the only one I dread more than Lexan’s.

“Good night, First Leader Keirna,” I say, turning and bowing my head.

“I’ve been worried about you.”

My head jerks up, but I keep my face impassive. Surely she’s lying.

“I saw your father and mother leave the Ministration Room. But not you. Have you been praying all this time?”

“Yes, First Leader.”

“What do you pray for, child?” She steps towards me, ducking into my vision, a finger reaching for my chin. I allow her to pull my face up, but I blink away from her intense stare.

“Choices, First Leader.” I shut my mouth quickly. I hadn’t meant to say that.

The Aries diamonds implanted in her cheek glint, mirroring mine exactly. Finally she releases her grip. “Hurry home. You wouldn’t want to be out in the dark, alone.”

*   *   *

The next day I’m drained from a night of uneasy dreams filled with Keirna’s black eyes and Lexan’s dark blue ones. School is more difficult because of it. My classmates and teachers notice, but they leave me with silent sideways looks. They’ve all borne my moods, and they wouldn’t be interested in an argument.

If Isa were here, she would risk a fight – even welcome it to draw me from my sulk – but she’s strangely absent. I spend lunch with my head on the table, tucked away in a dim corner of the Common Area.

Trudging into the students’ Training Room, I catch Lexan’s glance from across the room and glare at him. He lifts a corner of his mouth then turns away to flirt with a pair of girls.

In one short year we will be partnered, and everything about him irritates me.

He represents my future – the one where I have ultimate power but no choice. He is everything I am not. He is unnaturally fine-looking: tall, slim, strong, and golden. Even at sixteen, he shows more intelligence than some of our current leaders. Yet he never offends, thanks to a disconcerting Libran charm and a relaxed, crooked smile. Everyone loves Lexan.

But I don’t trust him. Nobody is that perfect.

“Astrea!” Teacher Brenn calls to me from across the lofty space. “We need a volunteer!”

My eyebrows draw together as my stomach twists. He knows I hate for anyone to see my weaknesses. Of all students, of all days, why does he call on me?

To refuse him is to refuse Asphodel. Still, if it were anyone other than Brenn, I’d be arguing. He beckons and I obey because I trust him more than my own family.

He hands me the rope: thick, twisted upon itself, suspended from the rock ceiling that looks miles away.

“Remind us how to climb.” His eyes flash, daring me. I wish he felt ashamed of picking on me, but his grin assures me he doesn’t.

My arms struggle to pull my weight to the second knot, then the third, but at some point, my body finds a rhythm, and I find myself twenty feet above my classmates. Adrenaline begins to filter through my veins.

“Higher!” Brenn calls up to me.

“Why? Everyone knows how to do this!”


I actually want to keep climbing, but I don’t want to be ordered to. All I can think of is Choosing Day. I fight these small battles to persuade myself that my life is still my own.

My classmates are whispering and I catch a word – can’t. The taunt powers my movement like nothing Brenn could say and I start climbing again. I quickly reach the halfway marker. My hands feel rough from the fibers and my thighs are scratched from clenching the rope. Sweat trickles along my hairline.

“That’s good, Astrea, thank you,” Brenn calls as I rest on a thick knot. I hold thumb and finger up to my eye, squishing his head.

I gaze at the striated rock walls that surround me in familiar shades of brown and faded orange and finally grin. I have never climbed this high before. I really am strong enough. Reproach sweeps my chest as I realize that’s what Brenn wanted all along – to help me find a little more confidence.
As my eyes arc across the great rock room, I unexpectedly see a tiny bit of light where it shouldn’t be. Blinking quickly doesn’t remove it from my vision.

“Astrea! Come on back down!”

I ignore Brenn, moving over another knot, and another, until I am eighty feet, then ninety, and then my hand brushes the cool metal spike that anchors the rope to the ceiling. I scan the walls of the cave, trying to pinpoint the glimmer. I feel a tug on the rope and glance down to see Brenn moving 
quickly up after me.

He must be worried I’m afraid to climb down. I frown at his head. I don’t need rescuing. The height is exhilarating – a small moment of freedom. I wrap my ankles around the rope and continue to search the walls.

Nothing. Disappointment trickles in. Perhaps it was just my eyes. I don’t really believe that, but the light is gone.

“Tre,” Brenn says from a few feet below me, “you really need to come down now. Seriously.”
He knows I’m not afraid – then why did he come up here? I search his familiar eyes, only a shade browner than his dark skin. I realize suddenly that he is afraid, and I nearly fall off the rope. Brenn is never afraid.

“Hey, I’m okay. It’s okay. What’s wrong with you?” I whisper, even though nobody could possibly hear us.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just come down. If one of the leaders finds out you climbed this high, I’ll be punished. Please, Trea.” His tone is light and unstressed, but his eyes are laced with concern. Also, he said please – definitely not normal.

I inch downward, conceding. Although he’s my parents’ friend, Brenn has always been there when I needed him, often more father than my own. Together we move down the rope until my training shoes touch the smooth cool floor again.

My classmates are still whispering, but none of them say the word can’t. I fold my arms and smile at them, but the expression dies before Lexan’s face. He looks livid, as though I’ve done something very wrong. I raise an eyebrow at him and he turns his back to me.

Where is Isa? I really need to talk to her about last night, and just now. And how strange everyone is acting.

*   *   *

I help prepare dinner, slicing tomatoes as Mother seasons the beans from the Growing Rooms. 
Father slices our homemade bread and a little of the hard cheese made by the producers.

“So can I just skip the Choosing Day ceremony?” I ask as we sit to eat. I know their answer, but I feel like arguing.

“You know the ceremony is part of Asphodel’s tradition,” Mother says.

“It’s pointless. Everyone knows who I have to choose.”

“Why would you want to miss such an historic occasion,” Father says in a tone I hate. He adores Lexan. He’ll probably mention the wonderful honor I’ve brought to the city.

“The day of your birth earned you those beautiful diamonds and the honor of being the next First Leader.” He smiles expectantly at me. I lift the corners of my mouth in polite return, but my eyes are cold. “And then Lexan’s birth affirmed what we all hoped – the prophecy of the star-bright maiden and her—”

“Father, you know I am not the maiden!” My heart burns with the number of times I have said this, thought this, known this.

“Astrea, you must accept your part in this prophecy. All of the signs have appeared as predicted!”

“I must accept nothing! I’m not a reincarnation!” I’m beginning to tremble with a helpless, hopeless rage. My parents refuse to help me solve the only riddle that could change everything. I heard them. I heard them, and it changed nothing.

Mother places her hand over mine and I snatch it away. She sighs and says, “You are still a child. You cannot begin to understand the importance of this prophecy to Asphodel. To Tartarus and Elysium, if they still exist.”

“A child? So we go from Choosing Day to calling me a child? Just remember, a year from now I’ll be preparing to share my bed with Lexan!”

It was the wrong thing to say, as images quickly fill my mind: a lifetime with Lexan. His shoulder pressed to mine as we kneel during Ministration. His hands clutching my waist as we dance at gatherings. Giving him my thoughts and dreams.

My skin and heart rebel, crawling and shrinking from the thought.

Panic pulses at the back of my throat, and I push away from the table, all arguments drowned in a burst of nausea.

Later, Mother finds me in my room, curled on the small bed. She pulls my desk chair next to the bed. “I can see you’re nervous. Tell me your fears.”

“I’m not afraid.” I roll away from her, picking fuzz from my wool blanket. “I just don’t like Lexan.”

“Well, I didn’t like your father when he chose me,” she says simply. I glance sideways at her. She’s never told me this before.

“Why not? Why didn’t you choose someone else then?”

“Well, Jasson is a good match for me. Our parents looked at the full planetary alignments, and we were perfect together.”

“But you didn’t like him.”

“I liked another boy. I thought we were in love. It wouldn’t have worked, though – he was a Taurus, not even a viable match. My father asked me to accept Jasson’s choosing, and now we have such a complete love together. If you give it a chance, I promise it will all work out for your happiness, Trea.”

I study her face. Is there a small tremble of sadness there, despite her words?

“Mother, I know the zodiac shows us our true nature, so we can choose well. But I don’t get any choices. I have no idea who I am. Just who I’m supposed to be.”

“Astrea, you must keep your faith.” Her voice has a hard, warning edge to it. “The heavens chose you and Lexan to be together and to fulfill the prophecy. Sometimes we don’t know what we’re made for until life unfolds.” Her hand smooths my hair, as if to calm the fiery orange-red curls.

Whatever I thought I saw in her eyes is gone. They are blank and blind to me, like the deep water that rests in her soul.

I sigh. Maybe one day I’ll have faith like Mother. But all I can think is that someone, somewhere, made a mistake in my plan, and now they won’t admit it.

“So, what ever happened to that boy you liked?” I try to pull her back to me.

“Well,” she says softly, “let’s just say it wasn’t the right sort of love. Your father and I grew to depend on and love each other during our courtship. When we were partnered, it felt right. You’ll see. Just trust in your stars.” She pats my arm firmly to reinforce her words and stands to leave the room.

I pull the blanket over my head: courtship. One endless evening a week with Lexan, beginning after Choosing Day. Happy birthday to me.

It is only later in the quiet dark of my room that I realize she never really answered my questions, any of them.

About The Author: Hillary Thompson

Find Hillary @
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Hilary Thompson is an independently-published author who released her debut Young Adult novel, Justice Buried, in January, 2014. Justice Buried is the first in a dystopian fantasy series incorporating mythology and astrology, with the second full-length title due later in 2014.
She also teaches high school English, which gives her some insight into her target audience, and helps her maintain a thick skin.

To enter please use the rafflecopter form below. :) Good luck!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Release Day/Book Blitz: DEAD GIRL WALKING by Ruth Silver + Giveaway!

Welcome everyone to the DEAD GIRL WALKING Release Day/Book Blitz!
Today I will be sharing all about this fantastic new novel and the author, Ruth Silver. Also be there is a giveaway to a $10 amazon gift card (or $10 from The Book Depository)! 

Dead Girl Walking
a Young Adult Paranormal Adventure
Published on April 25th 2014  by Patchwork Press
Length: 41k words (paperback includes a bonus story – Ashes to Ashes: prequel)
Cover Design: Erica Crouch

Forget everything you know about grim reapers.

Princess Ophelia Dacre sneaks out of the castle to visit her boyfriend in secret. A perfect night cut short when she’s brutally murdered.

Ophelia is given the rare chance to become a grim reaper. She must become Leila Bele, cut ties with her old life, and follow the rules of the reapers. Her greatest adventure begins with death.
Order a Signed Copy 

“Forget everything you know about grim reapers, Ophelia. Humans have it wrong. It’s easier to believe in angels and demons, than to see what’s right in front of you. Who wants to believe the undead walk among us with beating hearts? It would frighten humans. It would probably send many to their graves faster,” Edon said.

Ruth Silver author photo

About the Author: Ruth Silver

Find Ruth @
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads

Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of ABERRANT, a young adult dystopian adventure series published by Patchwork Press and Lazy Day Publishing. Silver attended Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication in the spring of 2005. While in college, she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004. Her love of writing led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading, photography, traveling and most of all writing. She loves dystopian, paranormal, and fantasy young adult stories. Ruth has been actively writing since she was a teenager. She currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open internationally. If winner does not have Amazon in their country, they may choose any book up to $10 from The Book Depository. Winner will be notified by e-mail and have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected.One winner per household. Duplicate entries using multiple e-mail addresses will be void and deleted. All winning entries will be verified.

For the "LEAVE A COMMENT entry below, my answer would be the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent. How about you? 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog Tour | Book Spotlight: Expiration Day by William Campbell Powell + Music Playlist + Giveaway!

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Expiration Day by William Campbell Powell OFFICIAL BLOG TOUR

Hosted by: 

Title: Expiration Day
Author: William Campbell Powell
Hardcover, 336 pages
Published April 22nd 2014 by Tor Teen
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopia
Reading Level: Young Adult

What happens when you turn eighteen and there are no more tomorrows?It is the year 2049, and humanity is on the brink of extinction….

Tania Deeley has always been told that she’s a rarity: a human child in a world where most children are sophisticated androids manufactured by Oxted Corporation. When a decline in global fertility ensued, it was the creation of these near-perfect human copies called teknoids that helped to prevent the utter collapse of society.

Though she has always been aware of the existence of teknoids, it is not until her first day at The Lady Maud High School for Girls that Tania realizes that her best friend, Siân, may be one. Returning home from the summer holiday, she is shocked by how much Siân has changed. Is it possible that these changes were engineered by Oxted? And if Siân could be a teknoid, how many others in Tania’s life are not real?

Driven by the need to understand what sets teknoids apart from their human counterparts, Tania begins to seek answers. But time is running out. For everyone knows that on their eighteenth “birthdays,” teknoids must be returned to Oxted—never to be heard from again.

Music Playlist
These are the songs that Tania’s band covers -

Blondie Hanging on the Telephone
The Police Message in a Bottle
Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart
The Who Can’t Explain
Eric Clapton After Midnight
The Rolling Stones Satisfaction
These are the other songs referenced in the book
Kid Thomas Wail, Baby, Wail
The Who My Generation
Slade Gudbye t’ Jane, etc…
Tor books has put together a playlist on Spotify with these tracks – check out http://expirationdaybook.com and look under Tania’s blog.

About The Author: William Campbell Powell

Find William @

William Campbell Powell was born in 1958 in Sheffield, but grew up in and around Birmingham. He was educated at King Edward’s School, Birmingham, and gained a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge to study Natural Sciences. Leaving Clare College in 1980 with a BA in Computer Science, he entered the computer industry, which is where he has been ever since.

William has been writing since 2002, experimenting with various genres, but he is most at home with Science Fiction, Historical Fiction and fiction for Young Adults. 

Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Spotlight: Magic Within by Sara Fitzgerald | Excerpt + Book Trailer + Giveaway!

Hey gang! 

Today I'm helping author Sara Fitzgerald promote her new YA novel, Magic Within. The book is packed full of paranormal awesomeness - witches, werewolves, magic and romance! I will be sharing with you all about the book including a except, book trailer, and a giveaway to win a copy of the book (and a Amazon/B&N GC). Enjoy!

Magic Within by Sara Fitzgerald
Published February 1, 2014 by Champagne Books
Pages 132 - Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-77155-071-0

Nancy, a purple-haired witch, has never fit in with the kids in town. She has always felt something was deeply wrong with her. When Josh, her best friend, is attacked by a werewolf, Nancy seeks a potion to save him from the werewolf curse within him. But Josh’s fate--werewolf or human--is his to decide, when the potion is injected during his transition at the full of the moon.

Nancy, too, must make a choice. Her mother, her best friend, and a steadfast young man all see the magic within her. Can she finally accept who she is and give love a chance?
Purchase @ Amazon | Smashwords | B&N | Champagne Books

- Excerpt for Josh - 

In the blackness of the night, Josh growled from deep inside his body. The pain was intense. More than anything he’d experienced. He gasped and stared at the alluring full moon. His body violently twisted.
He looked at his contorted hands; claws were forming. He was changing into a werewolf. This couldn’t be possible. He never even tasted human flesh and yet he’d always envied the power and freedom of Eric. To have no restraints. Nothing to constrain his behavior. Pure freedom.
“No!” he screamed into the night. Not him. Yet the stupid darkness had always appealed to him. He had even wanted to be a bloodsucker. Did evil lurk within his soul? Was this his fate? To be changed into a monster?
He frantically looked for Nancy, Nick and his sister. They were floating barely above him on the broomsticks. Horror flooded their faces, and tears filled his sister’s eyes.
Samantha dipped her broom lower. “No, Josh, please don’t do this.”
Nick raised his gun. Nancy quickly pushed it down.
Josh’s body quivered. “Kill me.”

About The Author: Sara Fitzgerald

Find Sara @

Sara lives with her husband and seven-year-old daughter in Salt Lake City. She loves romance, intrigue, writing and exploring the city with her family. Her two favorite parts of the day are reading bedtime stories with her daughter and hanging out with her husband.

The Deets:

To enter please use the rafflecopter from below. 
Open INTL (as long as you can receive online Amazon/B&N Giftcards)
1 winner will receive an ebook copy of the book & $10 GC.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Q&A + Giveaway: Burn Out by Kristi Helvig | Win a SIGNED copy of BURN OUT!

Hello everyone! 
Today I have the pleasure of having new debut author Kristi Helvig on the blog promoting her NEW book, BURN OUT. I've done an author interview with Kristi I hope you all will enjoy. Also Egmont USA (and Kristi) are giving me a SIGNED hardcopy of BURN OUT  to giveaway on my blog. To enter use the form below on this post. Enjoy!

Burn Out by Kristi Helvig
Hardcover (ebook) - 272 Pages
Published April 8th 2014 by EgmontUSA
Genre: YA - Dystopia/Post-Apocalyptic

"A scorching series opener not to be missed." - Kirkus 

A futuristic blend of Beth Revis's Across the Universe and Lenore Appelhans's Level 2, Burn Out will satisfy the growing desire for science fiction with a thrilling story of survival, intrigue, and adventure. 

Most people want to save the world; seventeen-year-old Tora Reynolds just wants to get the hell off of it. One of the last survivors in Earth's final years, Tora yearns to escape the wasteland her planet has become after the sun turns "red giant," but discovers her fellow survivors are even deadlier than the hostile environment.

Holed up in an underground shelter, Tora is alone--her brilliant scientist father murdered, her mother and sister burned to death. She dreams of living on a planet with oceans, plants, and animals. Unfortunately, the oceans dried out ages ago, the only plants are giant cacti with deadly spines, and her pet, Trigger, is a gun--one of the bio-energetic weapons her father created for the government before his conscience kicked in.

When family friend, Markus, arrives with mercenaries to take the weapons by force, Tora's fury turns to fear when government ships descend in an attempt to kill them all. She forges an unlikely alliance with Markus and his rag-tag group of raiders, including a smart but quiet soldier named James. Tora must quickly figure out who she can trust, as she must choose between saving herself by giving up the guns or honoring her father's request to save humanity from the most lethal weapons in existence.

Hi Beckie—thanks so much for having me on the blog today!

Me: Where did the idea for your new book, BURN OUT come from?

Kristi: To make a long story short, I had a vivid dream after watching a science documentary about what will happen when our sun burns out. That dream became the basis for BURN OUT.

Me: How long did it take your to write it?

Kristi: Only six weeks for the first draft, but it took a lot longer than that to revise! I’d say I worked on revisions for about a year with my beta readers before I sent it out to agents.

Me: Do you have a favorite character you loved writing about most or one that you found it difficult to write about? Is yes, who and why?

Kristi: I loved writing both Tora and Markus because they were so much fun. Tora is a sarcastic bad-ass and Markus is a slimy opportunist—their conversations were a blast to write. I’ll also say that I just turned in the sequel and Markus was hands down my fave character to write in that one.

Me: Did you need to do any type of research in your writing? If so, what for?

Kristi: Oh my heck, yes. My Ph.D. is in psychology, not astrophysics, so I contacted a major astrophysics department at a large university and they were awesome. They helped a ton with the science in the book, because I needed information on various things such as “what’s a plausible way that the sun could burn out early?” The research at the beginning took a lot of work but I’m a nerd so research is fun for me. :)

Me: What genre's of books to you most enjoy reading? Are they any you would never read?

Kristi: Well, I obviously love me some sci-fi, and I also really like paranormal and fantasy. I read a lot of literary fiction in my book club and a lot of non-fiction as well (I read a lot of quantum physics research because it fascinates me). The only things I’m really not into are westerns and straight romance novels.

Author The Author: Kristi Helvig

Find Kristi @

Kristi Helvig is a Ph.D. clinical psychologist turned sci-fi/fantasy author. She muses about Star Trek, space monkeys, and other assorted topics on her blog. Kristi resides in sunny Colorado with her hubby, two kiddos, and behaviorally-challenged dogs.

To be entered to win a SIGNED hardcopy of BURN OUT use the rafflecopter form below. 

Open to US & Canada.
Giveaway ends: May 11th
For Bittersweet Enchantment readers only. :)

The next tour stop is at Jean Book Nerd. Be sure to stop on by.


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