Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog Tour: Stolen Nights (A Vampire Queen Novel # 2) by Rebecca Maizel / Author Interview

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my stop on the Stolen Nights (A Vampire Queen Novel #2)  by Rebecca Maizel blog tour hosted by The Readiacs Reviews.

Stolen Nights
A Vampire Queen Novel #2
Author: Rebecca Maizel
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal
Release Date: January 29th 2013

Goodreads | Purchase

Lenah Beaudonte should be dead. But having sacrificed herself to save another, she finds herself awakening with strange powers that are neither vampire nor human—and a new enemy on her trail. In her vampire life, Lenah had thought that being human was all she ever wanted; but the human heart suffers pain, heartbreak and loss.

With her new powers growing and the dark force of the Nex after her soul, Lenah faces a choice: between the mortal love of gorgeous Justin, whose passion fed her human soul, and taking a different path to become the mistress of her own destiny, wherever that may lead...

Hi Rebecca, (nice name, BTW) ;)
Thanks for being here today and agreeing to be interviewed. So let's get started...

1. Tell me a bit about yourself? 

I am a reader, a Bichon Frise lover, and of course, a writer of YA lit. I am happy. I love what I do. I feel lucky every day. I am currently drinking tea. 

2. Why be a author? Have you always liked to write?

Yes. I always, always liked to write. I don't think I knew as a child that this was what I would end up doing. But I was always writing stories, making movies, and thinking up plays. I loved dancing and moving my body as a narrative to music. As I got older, I found the most cathartic and important way I could express myself was through my creative voice. We're human, we communicate through language. But it was the play on language and the ability to make stories and people out of thin air that really formed my identity. 

3. Besides writing, what other hobbies do you enjoy?

Kickboxing, learning to play my guitar (really badly), and hanging out with my dog George. I included a picture of him with this interview because he's really cute. That's him as a puppy, he's 2 now and looks like a Muppet. I am learning to love running but most of the time I am debating how I can make time move faster so I can be DONE with the run. Am I alone in this? I love reading as well. I just finished Sharon Creech's The Great Unexpected. It was amazing. 

4. Do you have an author you admire? If so, why?

It's 100% a tie. 

1st #1:  AM Jenkins. She is brave. She is painstakingly meticulous about her characters. Her ability with language is inspiring. I want to be her when I grow up.

And also tied for number 1: Franny Billingsley. Have you read Chime? If you are an avid reader, I dare you to go out to your library or bookstore and get Chime by Franny Billingsley and Beating Heart by AM Jenkins and study just the first two pages. Really. Look at every single solitary word they use and you tell me if any of them are wasted. These are incredible writers. I am humbled just reading their work. 

But here are some other writers I adore:
Jandy Nelson
Coe Booth
Laini Taylor
Cynthia Leitich Smith
Sherman Alexie (his short stories are just amazing though True Diary is a freakin' FANTASTIC NOVEL)
John Green
Natalie Babbitt

5. Where did the idea for your series, Vampire Queen come from?

I was free writing one day and I heard this voice. Not like hearing voices like a looney tunes but in my head. An artistic voice. I guess you could say she was a muse because she had so much to say and a real problem. She was 592 years old and was tired of it. Lenah was so strong, sinister, and tragic. I wanted to tap into that sorrow and darkness. I wanted to bring this person, whoever she was back out to light. It turned out that she was a vampire  and thematically, it worked. Every person out there has done something they aren’t be proud of. And whatever that thing is, they have to live with it - forever. That’s Lenah but times about a million! So I just went with it, I wrote the story and didn't think about word count or plot or anything. I paid attention to LENAH and what she needed. That's the best advice I could ever give. Listen to what your character needs. Don't let the plot force her to do things she wouldn't do. Let it be organic. 

6. Do you have a favorite character in your books?

Depends. When I wrote Stolen Nights, I had a ball with Vicken. When I wrote Infinite Days, I had a lot of fun with Tony. So as I write the third book, that person has changed yet again. But probably, Tony overall. He's so loyal. His Patronus would definitely be a dog. :) 

7. What is your favorite book at the moment? Or what is your current read?

I just started Diviners by Libba Bray. She should be up on my list of favorite writers. She's really talented. I really liked NightSpell by Leah Cypress. I heard she has another book Mistwood. I am looking to grab that. I like her world building and character development. Nightspell's main character, Darri was strong and self assured. That really resonates with me. 

8. If you could be one mythological creature what would it be? 

I guess I would be a mermaid as long as there were other mermaids to hang out with. And I would make sure to stay away from princes who hang out on ships that like to ship wreck. We all know what happens THEN.

9. What are your plans for future writing? Any new books or series in the works?

I have two other books outside of this series. One is completed on my agent's desk the other is a partial I am working on. And nope, I can't tell you a thing! I will say they are both realistic and not fantasy.... Well, sort of. Muhahahaaaa....

10. What has been your biggest struggle as an author?

I find that sometimes I don't put my characters in harm's way because I am protecting them emotionally and in turn, protecting myself emotionally. If you don't feel it, your characters won't feel it, and in turn your readers certainly won't feel it. You have to put your characters in the worst position possible so that when they can find their way out you feel like it was worth the struggle.

11. Describe your book in only 3 words:


12. Thank you again for being here today. Do you have any final thoughts for my readers?

Just that I hope they love Stolen Nights. It is a big change from Infinite Days. Lenah has really grown as a character! I am finishing up book three so I hope they love Lenah's journey and can't wait to read her final chapter!

 About the Author:

Find Rebecca Maizel @ 
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Rebecca Maizel received her B.S. from Boston University and has masters degrees from RIC and VCFA. She teaches literature in her home state of RI. She talks to her Bichon Frise George like he’s a real person.


1 comment :

  1. Stolen night was awesome, besides the end. it was surprising, i admit that, but i still didnt enjoy it so much i raged. once i herd 2yrs until the nxt book is relesed i calmed.im not the sort of person to rage over a book but books r my friends(i am no loner).itll proberly take time to calm down but i did enjoy it.5/5 stars

    ps: i keep reading every1 <3s rhode, why, vicken is the cute 1, dark n mysterious.

    p.s.s:thx for the awsome books(if rebecca maizel even reads these...)


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