Q: Activity! Who is your to-die-for book crush? What do you think they look like? Well I have a few to die for fictional crushes but if I had to choose only 1 I would choose without a doubt:
Patch Cipriano from the Hush, Hush series.
This is what I picture Patch looking like: *drools on keyboard* XD Favorite Hush, Hush quote:
"Do you want to possess my body?""I want to do a lot of things to you body, but that's not one of them."- Patch And Nora (Hush Hush) / Page 35
Happy Friday everyone!
Friday reads is a huge event that goes on every Friday where we all discuss what we are reading. From my understanding this idea originated on Twitter from @FridayReads. You use the hashtag #FridayReads to share your current read and talk with other readers/bloggers about theirs.
Here is what I am reading today:
Burning Blue by Paul Griffin
Hardcover, 288 pages
Published October 25th 2012 by Dial
How far would you go for love, beauty, and jealousy?
When Nicole Castro, the most beautiful girl in her wealthy New Jersey high school, is splashed with acid on the left side of her perfect face, the whole world takes notice. But quiet loner Jay Nazarro does more than that--he decides to find out who did it. Jay understands how it feels to be treated like a freak, and he also has a secret: He's a brilliant hacker. But the deeper he digs, the more danger he's in--and the more he falls for Nicole. Too bad everyone is turning into a suspect, including Nicole herself.
Award-winning author Paul Griffin has written a high-stakes, soulful mystery about the meaning--and dangers--of love and beauty.
Reason for reading: I recently saw Burning Blue on someone else's goodreads shelf and added it my own a few weeks ago. I was super happy when I saw my local library had a copy. I love the premise of the book and so far I must say it is really good.
What are everyone reading today/this weekend? Leave me a comment - I would love to know. :)
Who's ready for the weekend?
I know I am. Sunday I am going to my first anime convention. WOO HOO!
Blurb: On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl's body isn’t just unknown, it's anti-known. And she needs to keep it that way. Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.
About Leah Rae Miller
Born and raised in northern Louisiana, Leah Rae Miller still lives there on a windy hill with her husband and kids. She loves comic books, lava lamps, fuzzy socks, and Cherry Coke. She spends most of her days reading things she likes and writing things she hopes other people will like.
Hi gang! I have another awesome cover reveal to share with everyone and while I normally don't post about many adult novels this one sounded to good to pass up.
Hector is the #3 book in the 5th street series by Elizabeth Reyes. The cover is beautiful.
"I write because I must. It's not a choice or a pastime, it's an unyielding calling and my passion."
"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. I'm waiting on....
In a land where magic has been forgotten but peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest is simmering. Three kingdoms grapple for power—brutally transforming their subjects’ lives in the process. Amidst betrayals, bargains, and battles, four young people find their fates forever intertwined:
Cleo: A princess raised in luxury must embark on a rough and treacherous journey into enemy territory in search of a magic long thought extinct.
Jonas: Enraged at injustice, a rebel lashes out against the forces of oppression that have kept his country impoverished—and finds himself the leader of a people’s revolution centuries in the making.
Lucia: A girl adopted at birth into a royal family discovers the truth about her past—and the supernatural legacy she is destined to wield.
Magnus: Bred for aggression and trained to conquer, a firstborn son begins to realize that the heart can be more lethal than the sword...
The only outcome that’s certain is that kingdoms will fall. Who will emerge triumphant when all they know has collapsed?
I had recently heard of the book Falling Kingdoms because I am part of the Falling Kingdoms Virtual Street Team. Until then I had never even knew this book existed or even is soon to come to be released. I am super glad I found out of the book because it sounds AMAZING!! The cover is breathtaking, don't you think? I am so excited to be able to get my hands on a copy of this book soon.
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Oh. My. Goodness!! So many beautiful books in 2013. If you ask me which ones I am most looking forward to reading out of the books on my list, I would say Sever and Star Cursed.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
The Rules:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) or so “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers.
The space germs had so far claimed three survivors on Castine Island since the night of the purple more.
[...another snippet...]
Abby raised the barrel and pulled the trigger. A huge explosion sent out a shockwave. Her arm jerked from the kickback, but she manged to hold onto the gun.
Please share with me your Top Ten or teaser for this week. What books are you looking forward to in 2013. Are any of your choices on my list above?
Witches inhabit our world, organized in covens and hiding behind a shroud of secrecy—the Veil. Skye’s London coven sends her to Seattle’s Greenwood High to find the Singularity, an unusually gifted witch who may break the Veil and trigger a dangerous new era of witch-hunting. Things get complicated when Skye meets a charming new classmate, Drake. Skye’s job becomes even trickier when she clashes with Jane, an intimidating rival witch. Drake falls for the mysterious Skye, but odd accidents, potion mix-ups, and the occasional brush with death kind of get in the way of romance. Once he discovers Skye is a witch, he goes to war for her, even though his only weapons are a nice set of abs and a sharp sense of humor. Fighting off wicked Jane and the other dark forces hell-bent on seizing the Singularity's immense power, Skye and Drake will risk everything to save the covens. Going on a date has never been harder.
·Winner, 2012 Sandy Literary Contest - 1st place - YA category·
One of my favorite types of books to read is witches. So when I was asked by the author to read his book Wicked Sense I knew I could not pass up the offer.
Witches are not supposed to exist. These magical beings are not real. Or so the everyone thinks. Skye knows better, she believes in witches and it just so happens she is one. She is part of a coven of witches who are in charge of protecting the veil and making sure no one breaks it. Skye is sent from her home in London to Seattle to attempt to find a new and powerful witch who possess great power. So great that if she is not found this will mean trouble for the coven and the world itself.
On the first day in her new school Skye runs in to some trouble with a girl named Jane, who is also a witch. Jane is bad news and Skye knows it. While at lunch Skye meets a boy her age names Drake. Although shy, Drake approaches Skye and gets to know her. Skye knows she must not let a boy or anything else get in the way of finding the Singularity witch. Against her better judgement she agrees to hang out with Drake. When bad events start happening to Skye she knows someone is out to get her. Buy why and who? Drake soon discovers something it not right and needs answers but what he find out will change everything is has ever believed in.
Witches are real, the veil is now broken and a rouge witch will do anything it can to destroy Skye's chance at finding the Singularity witch. If she did not have enough of her plate Skye begins to fall for Drake and will do anything to protect him.
Wicked Sense is a quick read. I think I finished the book in like 2 days. The story was quite captivating and moves fast. Although I felt there were a few holes in the story-line I still enjoyed reading it. Skye and Drake are interesting characters and give the book such charm.
The romance was flawless, no insta love. The author took his time with having them fall in love slowly and perfectly.
As this is the very first book in the series I know the upcoming books will give more of a back-story about Skye and the coven but it felt to me like something were missing while I was reading. There were a few slow parts that dragged a bit. I honestly did enjoy reading the book and while I was not totally engrossed by the story but it really is a nice start for this series.
If you like books about Witches and Warlocks, spells and magic then this would be a fantastic read for you.
Hello readers. Did everyone have a nice week and thanksgiving day?
I had a wonderful week with PLENTY of turkey. Although now for the past 2 or 3 days I have been in a holiday overload and I dead tired. Sorry for the lack of posting. Things will be back to normal after the weekend. :)
Oh and I wanted to ask has anyone read or want to read the Gemma Dolye series?
Welcome to the Vaempires in Reviews Tour. I am very excited to be a part of this amazing book tour for the series "The Evolutionary War" by author Thomas Winship. I was asked to read all 3 books in the series and do reviews for them all. So today that's exactly what I will be doing. Below you will find my reviews for each book, more info about them as well as getting to know the author. I hope each of you enjoy reading my reviews and learn more about the series. Thank YOU for stopping by and also a huge thank you goes to Thomas Winship as well as Dark Mind Book Tours.
Vaempires: Revolution (The Evolutionary War #1) by Thomas Winship Number of Pages: 216 Self-Published: October 31st 2011 by author Source: Author (Kindle) Genre: Urban Fantasy > Horror Reading Level: Adult - YA
It is the morning of Princess Cassandra’s sixteenth birthday. Everyone’s attention is focused on the heir to the vampire throne. World leaders, the rich and famous, and VIPs from every corner of the globe have gathered in the nation’s capital to celebrate the momentous event.
Cassandra’s boyfriend, Daniel, is late for the party. He’s still outside the city when all hell breaks loose. What he believes is an act of terrorism proves to be a full-fledged revolution. Væmpires—former vampires who mutated into warm-blooded creatures with an insatiable hunger for cold blood—have launched coordinated attacks across the globe, with three goals: the eradication of humanity, the enslavement of vampires, and the ascension of væmpires as the dominant species on the planet.
The vampire and human leaders are killed. Cassandra is missing. Daniel is the acting king. Desperate to find the princess, Daniel and his friends fight their way across the besieged city. With the hopes of the free world resting on the shoulders of four vampire teenagers, væmpires unleash their secret weapons—væmpires with special powers.
What can four teens do against an enemy that can shape-shift, fly, or walk through walls?
Vaempires: Revolution takes place where the world as we know it is ruled by humans and the undead. Humans are dying off one by one leaving the world in total chaos. Nothing is as it was; a revolution has changed everything. Within this new world are two types of undead creatures who roam and rule. One being Vampires, and another being væmpires. The Vampires are a good and a civilized race, many reigning as Kings and Queens of this new world. The væmpires are very evil and blood-thirsty creatures who want to take rule of everything human and vampire alike.
The story begins right in the middle of battle. A boy named Daniel who is also the King's son is fighting his way back to the palace to be able to attend an event for his true love, Cassie. Cassie is also royalty. She is a princess in a another part of this world. Both Daniel and Cassie are vampires and strive to find a way to keep peace in their decaying lands. They live off of synthetic blood unlike the væmpires who only drink vampires blood. The væmpires are not happy with the hand they have been dealt and decide to wreak havoc and kill everyone until their race will one day rule everything. Daniel and Cassie must fight to live and find there way back to each other even if it mean loosing people they love, and themselves in the process.
I was totally blown away by this book. I really enjoyed the story-line throughout the whole book. The characters are so raw and edgy. I could really feel the anguish and suffering that Daniel and Cassie had to endure through the authors expressive writing. The world building and character development is so perplex and gives this story such depth. væmpires: Revolution totally surpassed my expectations going into the book. I think the only thing that made me give this book a 4 star rating instead of a 5 star is how gory the book was. Some gory is not bad, but at times I was like "Eww, Gross'! Other than that I really loved it and would recommend the book to all Vampire lovers out there.
Totally Awesome! I loved it, would read again.
Vaempires: A white Christmas: A prelude to the Evolutionary War (The Evolutionary War 0.5) by Thomas Winship Number of Pages: 104 Self-Published: Published December 14th 2011 Source: Author (Kindle) Genre: Urban Fantasy > Horror Reading Level: Adult - YA
It’s almost Christmas. With the global holiday days away, the people of the world should be turning their attention toward celebrating peace and goodwill, but tension between humans, vampires, and væmpires is at an all-time high. Desperate for solutions, King Brant schedules a secret summit deep in North America’s Northern Forest. Along with Queen Anne, Princess Cassandra, Daniel’s family, and the human President and First Lady, the vampire leader seeks to reaffirm the ties between humans and vampires, while brainstorming ways to respond to the growing hostility among væmpires.
Meanwhile, Daniel and Cassie’s relationship is at an all-time low. The princess is still reeling from her breakup with Vielyn, and Daniel doesn’t know what he should or shouldn’t do to help. Little does he know that the summit will be flooded with surprises—guests, allegations, accusations, proposals, and even Christmas Eve revelations—but not all of the surprises will be pleasant.
Vaempires: A white Christmas is a prequel to the first book, Vaempires: Revolution. The story basically tells the reader what happen before the great war between the Vampires and the væmpires began. It goes into some much needed details to help explain to the reader about how and why Vampires turned to væmpires and what is being done to try to stop the mutation. As the book begins Daniel is wishing for a White Christmas as this is something that rarely happens. Yes, there is plenty of snow just not when he wants it. He is making his way home to meet his family and Cassie. Things are fairly different for Daniel in the book. One Cassie is only a friend, and Daniel is really crushing on her throughout the whole book. No real love has bloomed just yet. Also Cassie has just broken up with her ex-boyfriend and Daniel is worried about expressing his fondness to soon after.
King Brant leader of the Vampires schedules a secret meeting at his home to discuss a solution to the pending war between the Vampires, humans and the væmpires. The King, his wife Queen Anne and daughter Cassie invite the human president, and the first lady as well as Daniels family to discuss what can be done. Although soon their "party" is crashed by the leader of the væmpires who wants to know why he was not invited.
Doesn't sound too good? Right?
Will the Vampires, humans, and The væmpires be able to work out there differences?
Or will a white Christmas be the least of their worries?
I really enjoyed this book and although short it helped me to understand more about the story and how Cassie and Daniel came together. I did only give this one a 3.5 cupcakes because I felt it lacked the intensity I felt with the first one. Also I would have liked for the author to explain more in detail about Cassie and Vielyn as a couple and what lead her to break up with him.
The ending was the best part, not because it ended but "how" it ended. ;)
I liked it a lot. Would recommend.
Vaempires: Revolution: Zombies Rising (The Evolutionary War #2) by Thomas Winship Number of Pages: 170 Self-Published: October 2012 by author Source: Author (Kindle) Genre: Urban Fantasy > Horror Reading Level: Adult - YA Goodreads | Purchase
The tale of the Evolutionary War resumes in Væmpires: Zombie Rising. Væmpires have taken control of twelve major cities. Their leader, Vielyn, seeks the atomic weapons that will bring the rest of the world to its knees. Vampire forces are reeling. As Linq and Ray race to the royal estate to rendezvous with Cassandra and Daniel, the princess is captured and Daniel falls. With the fate of world shifting to their teenage shoulders, Linq and Ray must deal with tremendous losses while battling a most unexpected—and undeadly—new foe.
I had a lot of mixed feeling with Vaempires: Revolution: Zombies Rising. On one hand I really enjoyed the story and especially getting to know a lot more about the secondary characters Ray and Linq. This book was mainly about them as is written from there POV. The reader gets to find out what happened to both Ray's and Linq's family after the war broke out. In this story both teens are making their way back to Daniel and Cassie. Earlier Cassie left Linq to go back herself and find her true love Daniel but runs into someone from her past. This surely puts a damper on her plans. Soon after Cassie left, Linq and Ray decide to go after her in hopes to also be able to find Daniel, Dead or Alive. Both hoping they will not be to late. Of course both teens run into trouble and must fight their way ahead. One thing neither Ray or Linq were expecting to see or have to fight are the undead, undead. Yeah, makes no sense right? Zombie Vaempires, oh boy! Something or someone is raising these ungodly creatures from the dead. Ray and Linq will do everything they kill these zombies, again and find there way to Daniel before it's to late.
The Good and the Bad (not so good!)
Good: I really loved that the story was focused on the secondary characters Ray and Linq. I enjoyed learning about there lives and emotions. The fighting scenes where amazing and gory. The author does a really nice job at making the reader feel like they are right there fighting along with the characters. Thomas Winship writing is very distinguished and easy to read. There is never a dull moment in this book and left me wanting more.
Bad: TOO SHORT! Although the story was great the book itself could have been longer. It left me wanting more and with the feeling of being empty towards the end. Also, there were parts in the book that just make me say "Ewwww". I have never been bothered by a scary or gory novel, this one really turned my stomach.
All in all I am very happy that I was able to read The Evolutionary War series. These books really took me by surprise. They all were a lot better than I first though they would be. I will definitely be reading the next installment.
Thomas Winship lives in New York. He currently serves as MBA Director for St. Thomas Aquinas College, where he also teaches courses in English Composition, Communications, and Business. Prior to this, he spent fifteen years working for a global pharmaceutical company, specializing in organizational development, talent management, and training. Tom writes in his spare time. His first novel, Temporary Insanity, was a 2008 finalist in a national contest but failed to garner industry attention. Væmpires: Revolution, his second novel (first in the Væmpires series) was published in October and Væmpires: White Christmas followed in December. He is an avid collector of books, comic books, music, and movies. His interests are diverse: on any given day, Tom is likely to be found watching a horror movie, attending a hard rock concert, or enjoying a Broadway show. He is currently working on the next installment of the “Væmpires” series, which is scheduled for a 2013 release. You can find Thomas on his website, Facebook, Twitter YouTube and on Goodreads! <-- above.="above." font="font" links="links" see="see">
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