If you are a book blogger or even enjoy just reading blogs I hope everyone will read this and help me with what I seek. So, I have been doing a lot of thinking about where my time goes each day while I read, blog, and read/send e-mails and one topic that has been on my mind for weeks is that I am a wimp. Yes, I said it I am a wimp when it comes to turning down a book request from a indie/self published author. I so HATE saying no to them, and mostly because I know us book bloggers are there way to get there books out there and bought. So I try to say yes to most author who ask, but see this results in having so many books to read that I become very overwhelmed. I feel, I should be always reading, and tend to loose interest in other things outside of book blogging and reading. There are times that I have a author ask me to review there novel and I end up turning them down for any reason, there books did not interest me, or I am too booked with request - But at the end of the day I feel guilty and sadded. I wish I could read each and every book that is asked of me, but sadly I can not. I mean, am I alone here on this subject or do others feel the same? The reason I am asking is because I thought maybe I could myself make a meme, weekly or when ever you want - that book blogger like myself can promote these authors and draw attention to there books. In my heart I feel that anyone who has the guts to pick up a pen and write a book should be recognized for there hard work. I know this first hand because my Father is a self-published author and growing up at home I would see how hard he worked on his novels.
So all in all I wanted to ask YOUR opinion about this idea and see if anyone would follow me and join in on a meme where once a week we could draw attention to the author and there books.
If I DO receive positive feedback here I will work on this meme (images, info, instructions) within the next few days. So please comment below with yours thoughts/questions/feedback.
I think also we as book bloggers can even open request to authors who would like to be added within the meme to help promote these books. Just an idea and a linky list would be provided as well for each of us who want to share our links. This too will in turn help everyone find a new read and maybe ever a diamond in the ruff.