Title: Between
Author: Cyndi Tefft
Number of Pages: 246
Published: April 21st 2011 by Createspace (first published April 5th 2011)
I was contacted by Cyndi a month ago by e-mail and we talk a lot about her new book "Between" that she has written and self-published. I am new to the whole self-publishing idea but I gave the idea a chance and decide to have Cyndi send me her new book by mail and I am so glad she did. I loved it, so here is my review on "Between'.
GoodReads Info:
It just figures that the love of Lindsey Water's life isn't alive at all, but the grim reaper, complete with a dimpled smile and Scottish accent.
My Thoughts: (I gave this book 4 Stars)
Okay, so I have never read a book like this where the book begins at the end... death is only the beginning. I was so sad when I found out than Lindsey died a few pages in and was curious on where the book would go from there. I was not sure I would like the plot just because she died so fast and I did not get to know Lindsey, but after finding out more and getting to the area where she meets Aiden (her grim reaper) I could not stop reading. I found that Aiden was such a sweet and welcoming character in the plot. I mean when I did, I hope I run in to someone like him. My only thing that I did not like about so much was that I found that Lindsey and Aiden feel in love a little to fast but the story-line made up for this and I love the fact that as they where able to travel around looking at scenes of there lives while waiting for Lindsey to be called to Heaven. There was such great romance in this novel and I loved that it never felt like Aiden and Lindsey were feeling lust but true love and Lindsey would always be so sweet when Aiden did not understand something that Aiden did not understand like smores. ;) In the middle of the book is where you really get hooked in the story-line when the unthinkable happens, and I wont tell anymore to give away an outstanding ending but I must say that this book will leave you laughing and crying. I would so recommend to anyone who want to read a true love story with a twist of paranormal.
I read this a few weeks ago but I have been really slow about reviewing it. I agree with what you said about them falling for each other a bit too quickly but the rest of the story was very funky and fluffy. A nice combination I think.